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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (Rules and Laws)

in #newbiegames7 years ago

Super interesting question and conversation! It's difficult (and not necessarily right) to answer for laws in general I think. As you say, some laws you may wee more as guidelines as others and I think a "free" mind should be able to have it's own meanings and views on different laws. I think it is a very dull mind that just gives all the responsibility of right and wrong to the law and don't question anything. I mean somethings (like for example homeschooling as you know I recently wrote a post about) is completely fine in Denmark, but illegal in the very similar neighbour Sweden, where government can surprisingly easy take away the children from parents (which I can almost not think of a worse punishment!) for not sending their children to school.
I guess my point is that it is strange to decide right and wrong just by the law you live under, especially when the difference can be so big so close by each other. At the same time smoking cannabis is legal in one state and illegal in the next.
So I think we must make up our own minds of right and wrong and then either be willing to take the risk to live by our personal right and wrong or try to change things.. Or bend our necks and try to fit in. Personally I think it is important to fight for what we think is right and I think it is more important to follow our hearts than the law. At the same time I wouldn't call out for complete lawless anarchy, but I would find it beautiful to see a place where law was not necessary and we could figure out dealing with each other! But I don't think we are quite there yet!


this conversation reminds me that i just found out that naked bathing is legal in all denmark😁😆

Haha, you mean public naked bathing? I'm assuming that it is okay in your own home!

yes, I don't know if it is legal in most other countries too, I just didnt realise that it was because I'm pretty sure being naked in public otherwise is illegal, but I just love the fact that it is legal to be naked on all beaches in the whole country :) But doesnt mean it is the norm though.

I agree that the rules don't always fit every situation. However, there is a need for rules in a society, if only to establish a baseline for what is okay and not. Obviously, in the middle it can get quite cloudy and then it can be that different societies come up with different ideas on where the line should be drawn (as in your homeschooling example). At that point, I believe it is the duty of the citizen to challenge the laws (peacefully!) to establish a precedence and to perhaps push the authorities to re-interpret the wording and spirit of the laws. After all, there is no such thing as an absolute law, they all change and evolve with time and situation. Things that were "obviously" right and wrong a century (or even less) ago, are now considered archaic ideas.

Personally, I think some sort of laws will always be necessary. To believe that a society could be completely and without exception altruistic would have to deny that there could eventually be a selfish mutation (I have read papers that try to model this, and a complete selfish or complete altruistic society is energetically unstable, the balance is (as always) somewhere in between). Also, infringing on another's freedom's and rights doesn't have to be done with ill-intent, it could always be unintentional or just the boundary clash between two prevailing good intentions....