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RE: The You Talk Too Much Contest

in #newbiegames7 years ago

I probably talk too much and sometimes i think it is a weakness in me especially since i am a man. Women are often considered to be the "talkatives" but when it comes to talking, sometimes i think there might be a gender confusion somewhere 😂😂😂😂😂.
I have tried so many times to hold myself or why not change that but in as much as i try, i fail so woefully. Actually i realized that so many people are drawn to me and i easily gain the attention and friendship of others through my over talking and how it makes so many people smile that sometimes i think it might be a gift and just who i am and i'm supposed to be. I think i enjoy it too because unlike so many out there who just rant and rant i know when to because i am good at reading body language and can tell when to engage in my over-talking sessions and that is very important 😊😊😊😊😊.
But truth be told, sometimes i just wish "it will stop" because it is kind of embarrassing to talk like a woman. I mean men are people of few words and much more of action, women should be the ones that do much of the talking.
Well i have accepted that part of me already, after all it's not like i can do anything about it that i've not done already 😃😃😃😃😃😃.


Some have the gift of gab while others just gab .

That is very true and practically makes sense. You see some people just talk and talk making no sense out of what they are saying and the worst part is "they don't even know when to stop".