So... (just to prove I read the comments, I'm commenting here)... It's to be assumed that it's the same jar of money, with none taken out, but with additional funds added in? Every petty cash jar I know of has funds going in and out, but maybe this is a special Steemit jar, it only increases. ;-)
Yep, and I don't think everyone read that part of the post....judging by how many guesses we got below that.☺Entry accepted.
Well, maybe they didn't need it. I do though. I need something to base my guess on
So... (just to prove I read the comments, I'm commenting here)... It's to be assumed that it's the same jar of money, with none taken out, but with additional funds added in? Every petty cash jar I know of has funds going in and out, but maybe this is a special Steemit jar, it only increases. ;-)
If that's the case, I wanna change my vote.
Yes it only increases...we glued the lid on REAL good. What would your new guess be?
OK, new bid (and it's a really good guess, imo): $11.10