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How do I get my quality posts more easily recognised, preferably without the use of vote bots?
I would say that there are a lot of different things you can do. I personally have found what works for me, is just to get out into the community and put yourself out there. Find people who share common interests with you and go into their comment sections and leave comments like crazy. I would say is specially asked questions to show that you are interested in what they are doing. They will be more likely to respond if you leave a question. And that also means they will be more likely to Remember You. And henceforth to stop by your place. Also while you're leaving comments invite them to your place. The other thing that I would say that may help, is you could check out places like @NEWBIERESTEEMDAY. This is a group of really awesome people who are dedicated to helping new people by helping them be more visible and by doing other things to help. And my advice to you, is definitely to stay away from Bots. Grow your following organically and interact with everybody so that they know who you are. And also my dear friend remember to be patient. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. But I believe if you do it correctly it could be a pay for your driver lessons scheme. We let me know if this was helpful to you? And keep up your good work. You're doing a good job, just don't give up. I send you and yours my love until we meet again my friend.
You are absolutely right. Leaving valuable comments/questions on one's post is one great way to be able to build a good relations with other steemians especially big fishes. And this is one I missed to do, I admit I am so lazy and maybe perhaps I am tired already from work since I work 11 hours every day except Thrusdays and Fridays.
Yes, you are a dedicated family man. So I know that you wear yourself out taking care of them. It can be hard to do everything that we want in the little time that we are given each day. That is why I try to thank people when they find the time to stop by my place and spend time with me. Because it is so valuable.
What would be the best way to make money if you were temporarily delegated a nice sum of SP?
BTW congrats on the 0.03 not-dust-anymore vote achievement! That's my biggest goal right now... I'm well into 0.02, but that can still be dust I guess...
Well that's a very good question. And truthfully I don't think my answer may be the best. Although I have recently been delegated 150 SP total from to amazingly awesome community members here. I never really thought of it as a way for me to gain SP. I was only looking at it as a way for me to increase my vote so that I could help other people. But, back to my answer because it is a great question. And after you mention it, I am wondering the same thing. I have figured out the best way for me personally to gain SP. I have spent a lot of time finding several people who post good content, and then in an effort to help small people like me they up vote their own post and don't send bots in to nab all the curation. I have also then figured out overtime that a couple of these people also happened to post at certain hours when most of their other regular voters either aren't paying attention, or are at work, or sleeping. On one account in particular sometimes I am the second vote at 28 minutes or so. This gives me a pretty good piece of the curation for that post. And just in case you're wondering his upvote on his own post is normally between 15 and $17. So it ends pretty good for me. The other thing I do is I interact with the community as much as I can. As you can see here as I respond to you with a novel. The highest that one of my comments has ever been voted by a single vote is almost $2. So I would say that I would continue myself, personally along this path. Please let me know if this has been helpful or not. And thank you so much for the question. As your entry head is definitely accepted. And thank you so much for the congratulations. Keep working hard at it and doing what you do and you'll get there. And as always my dear friend you get all of my love sent your way.
Front Running Curation Bots. A clever way of beating the bid bots and cashing in on some good curation. In my comment there I mentioned that it didn't have to just be bid bots, it can be accounts like OCD who end up with really big organic votes and it can also be, as you mention, those who upvote themselves nicely.I think that's a good answer! Earlier I read @protegeaa's post about
A couple quick points like curation. You may already know them.
It is kind of a linear scale based on time. When somebody releases a post, if you vote on it within the first few minutes you will get almost no curation. The longer you wait, up to 30 minutes the larger the curation will be that you get. And yes, you should definitely try to get in before any of the big voters for the cleanup Bots. It is normally best to vote between 20 and 30 minutes. It's almost like gambling. You just hold off as long as you can and try to pick a good time to vote. Other than that I don't know much. 😁
Let the questions begin!! I want to be able to help with some of the publications I like, but my sp is so low that my vote is getting crushed, what should I do to get someone to delegate some sp to me and help others??
Well, first I would say that if you are looking for SP delegation, you have to understand that people do not always give it away easily. Normally, they will look to give it away to someone they believe will use it responsibly. So, you need to make sure that you were using your votes responsibly. Also then they look for other character traits before delegating. Such as how does the person interact with the community and how much? How much time and or votes are given to deserving individuals. For some people it matters a lot WHAT you're doing in and for the community. I think that basically it boils down to most people are going to look for a responsible compassionate giving person. And if you were at a point where you feel that you are deserving of SP delegation then you should feel confident about your account and how you have handled it. If that is the case, you can keep your eyes open for contests. Which I know you like. But some contests will specifically handout SP delegations. Another way which I know could go either way, is you could just ask for some. If your account is exemplary and you asked the right person at the right time, you never know what may happen. I personally know of two people, who are outstanding people, who simply asked for delegation in their own way and we're givin it. The fact that you were asking for SP delegation to help others is a very strong point in your favor. If you are currently doing what you can to help others it will show in your account, and anybody who wishes to can see that. I believe, however the best way to gain SP delegation is to do everything that you can to love people and to help whoever you can whenever you can however you can. And never ask for anything in return for that. Try to lift up everybody that you encounter. That by itself may help you get notice and delegated. But even if it doesn't you will change so many lives by doing so.
Oh, your entry is definitely accepted. And thank you so much for stopping by. Please let me know if this was helpful. I send all of my love your way. ☺
is a lovingly accepted response! I am really in this network because a friend helped me to be here, so I made a lot of friends to be here and grow in abundance! I am in steemit about 6 or 8 hours a day and always try to encourage people that I can, make relationships and learn and once more than others to participate in their fun contests, I know I will be very lucky, I send you a thousand love letters
💖 to you! 😊
My question is this: if I don't have a question, do I still qualify? Coz I don't have any at the moment
Absolutely. As a matter of fact, even if you didn't, you made me smile so you would. Thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by. And I'll see you around next time.
I sense relief in that lol! Your lengthy answers to the queries above and then this. It would surely make me smile as well.
Yeah, when I decided on this contest I actually thought it would be easy for me because I wouldn't have to find facts and fibs or build a pic a panel. Come to find out it was a whole lot harder than I ever thought! And did you see the one about how can we clean up the anti Jewish comments? I mean, how do you answer something like that? I thought I would only be answering questions about steem it not social issues also. ☺ As always my dear friend thanks for stopping by. I will be coming around later to upvote after my voting power has increased.
Do you have advice for dealing with hateful posts in a tag I want to utilize? I am Jewish, and I want to use the #judaism and #jewish tags for my posts, but I don't see a lot of other Jewish people using them, just Christians or people writing anti-Jewish conspiracy posts. It's really hurtful to read, but I don't know what I can do to clean up that tag.
Hmmm, that is a tough one. It is situations like this that further support my position that Religion causes division, and my belief that our Creator does not support Religion. That being said I feel bad that your belief system is attacked. I would like to take a second here to say I am so happy for you since you have found a path that connects you to our Creator. Now, as far as what to do about the tags. I would say that education may help and maybe posting things showing how you love. Or by providing examples of your love in action. Do it all in the name of our Creator and His love. Then as people get to know you for the good you do and the love you show, they may eventually find out that you are Jewish. This may help others see you and your people as "just some loving people" instead of a religious group. This is a very hard one for me to answer because the ways of the world have forced me to pull away from religion and not become involved in the disagreements or conversations between the different religions. I will let you know, but I personally love all Jewish people because above everything else they are people and they deserve love. Our creator made me and all of us because he loved us so I figure that's a pretty good reason to love all of his people also. I know that this probably hasn't been a whole lot of help for you and for that I apologize. I guess, all I'm trying to really say is that I believe above all things the natural pure love that comes from our creator is truly the most powerful force the can cause change. So use It to help you bring about change.
If it were only my belief system being attacked, it would hurt less. But it's actually people who believe that Jews, as an ethnic group, are evil. It's a racial attack, and it's very scary. Perhaps, however, there is nothing I can do about it other than continue to be myself, which I shall do whole-heartedly. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Hi @johndoer123, I'm glad I came across your post because I too am a newbie here and there are some questions that I want to clarify. I have seen newbies who started in just a couple of months, probably last year, and I believe we all started with just the average of 15 SP. As I have seen in others, during those times, they started with small upvotes but after a while, their SP was raised to thousands. How can that be possible?Can a newbie like me also make it to where they are now? Because as I was looking at how long they have been in the platform, it was like only a few months and their SP's were already very high. And I can also see others that they are just resteeming others posts and not posting their own content. KIndly enlighten me with these questions sir. Thank you very much!!!
Well, you are correct in the fact that everybody starts with around 15 SP. And life here on steemit can go several ways. Especially as far as growth is concerned. I would guess with the other accounts that you were talking about, they were either extremely lucky, they may have already had a following from a different social media such as F-book. They also may have bought their SP. Or they can always obtain it by buying votes from vote Bots where using Resteem services. So as you can see there are several ways that they could have grown their accounts very fast. My best advice for you personally, would be to solely focus on yourself and your own account and how it is going. I would try to interact with the community and build relationships. I have been on steemit for almost 2 months am I home SP is just now almost to 100. Slow growth, but I've met a lot of good people and have made several great friends. To me that is more valuable then how much SP I have. And yes you can easily get your account to where there's are at. And it is up to you to choose the method that you want to do it with if that is your goal. I hope this information has been helpful and answered your questions. And I hope that I will continue to see you around. As a matter of fact if you have any friends that are looking for games to play or have any questions send them my way! Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to stop by to get your answers. I hope you have a wonderful week and until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And ask that our creator bless you all.
You seem to have a good grasp of what is going on around here. You have turned into a mentor @johndoer123.
Good for you @naytanpaul to finally come to know of @johndoer123. What took you so long? lol!
In addition to what was said, I encourage you to join contests, lots and lots of it. However, join contests that do not require upvote or resteem because if you do, then you deplete your voting power and flood your homepage with resteems that it covers your own posts. I suggest join @danielsaori's comment weekly challenge. Turn your comment into SP and SBD. You will be delegated SP for a week if you will be the lucky one.
Hey my dear friend, thanks so much jumping in. Those are very good points. My brain has been kind of fried answering all these questions and so I guess I'm not quite on point. I appreciate you pointing out other additional helpful facts. And if I'm not mistaken, I believe this is the third time you have commented in this post. 😁 That's absolutely wonderful. I love it! You are one of my favorites here.
You always come up with very interacting and engaging posts. Remind me how did we come across each other again? :D
Well thanks first for the compliments friend. And actually I believe it was you who came across me. The first time that I can remember talking to you was when I did my pray for me post. (Can't remember if that's actually what it was called.) So I guess the question now becomes, how did you find me? 😁
This ones good!
So my questions are:
Thank you for your (future) answers.
Answer to 1.
If you upvote a post, then resteem it, any of your followers will see it in their feed, and they may upvote it, which could increase your curation reward.
Answer to 2.
It depends on the price of Steem, it could also depend on your Steem Power, you cast your best upvote when it is at 100%
Bookmark these two websites for more info. The top one tells you your voting power on the top left.
http://steem.supply/@becky12ph https://steemd.com/@becky12ph
Hey there my friend. Thanks for the helping out. I truly mean it. It's so nice to see you around regularly. I'm trying to build my vote power and then I'm stopping by your place.😁👍 I've been slowly building it over the last couple days, but it's hard to not upvote you guys/gals during these games.☺ I hope as always to continue to see you around.
You are welcome!
DID YOU SEE MY NEWBIE TIP ON DUST VOTES???Well, I believe Mr. @giddyupngo beat me to this one. And I would agree with him. I really don't know what I would add other then resteeming may get you noticed by the person you resteemed. This may draw them to your place, and gain you recognition.☺ Thanks for the questions and of course your entry is accepted.
How do you come up with your contest ideas?
What, and let out the secret to my success? I think not.
Just kidding my dear friend. But I'm glad you asked a personal one. The serious ones kind of hurt my brain. 😁 Truthfully a lot of it comes because of my kids. As a matter of fact, this game in particular, was thought of partially because of my son Evan. As I mentioned in this post, I have had a lot of questions about steemit. But something else that I had realized as I grew was that there was a lot of questions also that I never even knew I needed to ask. I have found here on steemit, for everything I learned, it raises at least two or three questions. This made me think about heaven over the last few years and some of the things he has needed help me and the questions that he is asked. There have been more than a few times I have answered his questions, only to fill his head with more questions. This made me think about the fact that just like kids, the new people here may have so many questions. The thing is, people who are grown up I have extremely busy lives and sometimes they just go about dealing with not knowing because they just haven't found the time to ask yet. So here we are today, new people come here for games and now they have time to ask questions. WINNER!!!! But also, anyway, as I go through the day I just write random ideas down that pop into my head.😁
Here's one of those random thoughts I literally just had... They give all us here names like minnow, redfish and so on. But a minnow doesn't turn into any other kind of fish in real life and a red fish isn't necessarily any smarter then a minnow. Here, we're more like newborns, infants, toddlers, and so on.
Annnnnyway, you're entry is definitely accepted and I'm truly thankful for it. It was fun to answer. I hope it was what you were looking for. If not, let me know. All my love dear friend.
Good contest ..
My question is...How do I earn more recognition and more Steem power?
Well, for you personally. I have seen your posts and they are GREAT! So if I were you, I would start by searching for other artists. Then take time to leave GOOD GENUINE comments. I would also find artists that you like and follow them. When they post something, try to comment quickly after they post. It may get you noticed. Also, you could leave some of your art in their comment section and ask them to critique it. But definitely keep posting the great material that you have been. And be patient. It takes time. And don't give up. All it takes is time when you're creating good stuff. Your entry is accepted. And thank you so much for stopping by. Until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love.
Wow! This is quite enlighten. I never thought of most of what you ve said. Thank you so much.
Am gonna work on it.
You're welcome and thanks again for stopping by. I really do hope that it helps.
I made some posts but no upvote and comments, I think It caused I have bad post and editing multiple times.
my question is whether it will have a bad impact on my blog
First, I notice, your first hashtag in a lot of your posts is "esteem". Are you using the Esteem app? I would make your first hashtag more relevant to your post so when people search for photographs they can find your posts.
Also, editing your post shouldn't impact you. I don't think most people notice when somebody edits their post. Your photographs are beautiful and you leave stories about your photographs that are good. I think that changing your first hashtag to photography would be a great start. When people search for photography posts that are hashtag with photography as their first hashtag will show up. You need to use a different first hashtag. Thank you for stopping by and asking a question, and your question is accepted as an entry. Let me know if this helps. And if you need any more help please let me know. I send all of my love to you and all of yours.
yes I often use the application esteem,I am bit confuse to determine hastag so beacause of that I often edit it. Thank you very much...
I would actually suggest stop using the Esteem app for posting if it makes you use their name as your first hashtag. Your first hashtag has to be relevant to what you are posting. Otherwise people will not see it. Thank you again for spending time with me today.
hey @johndoer123, its a great idea since I have lot of questions here.. but I'll ask only once, is my way of sharing ideas is fine? Im confuse to share if no one voted or make some comment. Anyway thanks
First, are you talking about the posts you make on your blog? Because if you are, I know that you have had a few that were pretty successful. What I would say to do in your particular situation is figure out what it is that people like about the posts you do that are successful. Then you should try focusing your content toward what is making you money already. Also, the people who have voted on your posts, stop by their place and if they make good content give them a vote and leave a meaningful comment. Also if you ask questions to people they are more likely to respond to you. This will help you build relationships. And resteeming someone near or slightly above your reputation level increases the chance they will appreciate it. They then MIGHT return the favor at some point. In the end it's truly about building relationships. Try to follow people who interest you or that you have things in common with. And make sure that you comment on other people's posts with comments that are relative to the Post and that are also meaningful. Not just one or two or three word comments, such as good post or nice job, or things like that. It is not a fast Road to become noticed here. You have to have patience and never give up. You are creating good content, that shows by the fact that some of your posts I have made pretty good money. Continue to make good content and try to build as many relationships as you can and eventually you will become successful and have many friends. I would also advise, not to worry about the money at all. Just try to make friends and love everybody that you meet and you'll do fine. Thank you so much for the question. And as an entry it is accepted. And I send you and all of yours all of my love friend.
thank you very much my friend. I love your thoughts. I will do what you have said
I was planning to post and asking for help regarding of my posts.wow so happy that I found this post earliest.
1.My posts always decreases steemit dollar after a couple of days,is it normal?I am just a new member here...
You know that's a very good question and one that I had in the beginning also. If you pay close enough attention, you may also notice that it goes up at times without any additional votes. This is caused by the value of steam as it increases and decreases in comparison with US dollars. So no it is not anything to do with you so don't worry about that. It is just that when the value of steem goes up so the the value of your post. And when the value of steem goes down unfortunately so does the value of your post. Thank you so much for stopping by. And I hope that this was helpful. steem has been on the rise lately. So hopefully maybe you won't be seeing this so much anymore. I appreciate the question and it is accepted as an entry. And until I see you next time I send you and all of yours all of my love.
Thank you so much sir for the info.GOD BLESS YOU AMD YOUR FAMILY!:-)
My question is a riddle .. lets see if you can guess the answer without looking it up ...
What do you put in a bucket to make it lighter ?
A hole maybe? Now, my turn. What is the only thing that no matter how much you take away from it, it only gets bigger. Thanks so much for the "fun" guestion. The serious ones are burning holes in my brain. Your entry is accepted. And thank you so much. You and yours get all of my love until we meet again.
You are correct ... good job :)
I think the answer to your riddle is the same as the answer to mine.
Yes it is.☺ I went full circle with it.😁
My question is why are you so clever to have all these great ideas? You've done many good things here on #steemit and your ideas are far beyond compare. Keep it up I can say you have a long way to go here on #steemit!
I'm glad I know you. You are one of the best!
You made me smile and tears come to my eyes at the same time. That is very sweet of you to offer such a compliment. I don't know if I'm anywhere near the best though. I want to tell you, one of my new goals because of all the great people that I have met from the Philippines, is definitely to travel there someday. Your country is full of lovely people and I wish to meet as many of them as possible someday. Thank you so much for your kind words friend. And as far as my ideas, I look mainly to my kids for inspiration and also just the outside world. And then combine those ideas with ideas that I have about steemit and the end result is what you see here at my blog. ☺
Actually I have many questions,but I will ask two questions that have been problems to make a post..
The first thing is very difficult to find suitable hastag to my contents of my post,and the second one,I wonder why there are no many who upvote me...whether it's caused I haven't community,I put unsuitable tags,or my post contents are not good to read..
I know how you feel. Hang in there. It's hard for us minnows to get noticed. Just don't give up. You've made it this far. Great work
Thanks for you feedback @proto,I will do best..
Thanks for sharing your love and support to our friend. That is very thoughtful!👍☺
First, hashtags.
Why do you use esteem as your first hashtag so often?
I know you like posting photographs, you should definitely be posting those under photography hashtags. That way when people search for photos, they will see yours.
Secondly, people upvoting you.
Your content, photos and stories are great.
So, that is not the problem.
Using the wrong hashtags, could make it hard for the right people to see your posts. That could have something to do with it.
Also I would suggest trying to get out even more into the community, by leaving comments on other people's posts that do photos. Ask them questions about the photos they take and tell them that you would enjoy having them at your place. You may have to do this a lot. But keep doing it and it will pay off. You will make new friends, and when they find out how good your content is they will start up voting it.
If I were you, I would convert my steem and Steem dollars into steem power!!!
This will bring the value of your vote up. So that when you vote on people they will get more money. So if your vote is worth more you are more likely to get noticed also!
If you do not know how to do this, I would be glad to help you learn.
I often used esteem tag for my post,the first I made it on esteem and the second I hope @good-karma stop by on my post then upvote me because his upvote very valuable and give much SBD.
I really want to make photography hastag to my post also,but I don't know what the other relevan tag that I should used under photography hastag,could you help me?
And I don't know how to convert the steem or steem dolar,I want really to do that but I don't know how it work.
I did not do it all this time because Iam afraid if my SBD or steem dolar that I've collected hard suddenly empty and finally I did not get anything,while my first plan is I want to collect my steem dolar first until much then I will transfer and change it into Indonesian currency that is Rupiah..
Iam grateful if you don't mind give any explained about it to me
Changing steam dollars to steam power is it pretty easy process, but rather than describing here myself here is a link that does a really good job showing how to do it. I hope this helps.
Thanks alot @johndoer123 it's really valuable information
I just used an upvote bot for the first time recently.
I know some people don't like the idea of upvote bots but I noticed that apart from being incentivized by the possiblity of making a profit, I like them because they give me more exposure. Many times more steemians saw and liked my post compared to posts workout any help from bots.
So my question is how does buying an upvote lead to more people seeing my content?
After, looking and finding where you used the bot and what most likely happened is...
You bought the upvote and because it was a slightly larger one, it may have been pushed up higher on the trending or hot pages. This makes it more visible to more people. Sometimes it works out like that, sometimes it doesn't. There are lots of variables that could affect it. Let me know if if was helpful.☺ And only let me know how using the bot works out for you. I have personally never used any of those types of bots. I am doing my best to prove a point here on steemit. I am trying to become successful without using a bot. I have nothing against people who use them. I figure everybody has their own methods and that's just how it is. So I truly do wish you the best of luck and I hope that you become extremely successful. Hopefully we will continue to see each other. And until we meet again I send you and all of yours my love.
Thank you
You are welcome friend. Have a great weekend.
Saludos, desde Venezuela ¿Como hago para hacer un millón de amigos? Ja, ja, ja ¡Espero todos los que lean este mensaje se hagan mis amigos! Me gusta este juego, usted tiene buenas ideas y muy divertidas para sus juegos.
Please repost in English.☺ I cannot answer this. I'm sorry. I only read English.
Greetings, from Venezuela How do I make a million friends? Ha, ha, ha I hope everyone who reads this message will become my friends! I like this game, you have good ideas and very fun for your games.
Hah!!! There it is. And greetings from Illinois in the USA!! And a million friends, I don't even know if there's that many people on steemit. 😁 Of course, maybe there is. I'm having a hard time determining if this is a serious question. But just in case it is I would say breifly, take time getting to know people in the community and putting yourself out there. That is probably the best way. If you want more information, I can expand on it. But I'm trying to keep it short in case you were just being playful. Regardless, your question is accepted as an entry. And I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. I also hope to continue to see you around here because you seem fun! So until we meet again I send you and all of yours all of my love. And ask that our creator bless yous.
Thank you very much for your response, I think it's excellent, since it motivates me to follow the goal of a million friends. Advancing with your contests that are great! You are international we follow you from several countries. Let the joy continue.
My question is that why is it that my votes doesnt have any value? When i started steemit my vote is worth 0.01 if im not mistaken, but now that im 4 months in steemit i got a zero value. Why is that happening?! Im wondering. If you can help i would really appreciate it.
So after looking into it and checking a few things, one thing that has definitely happen that is affecting your voting power is that you have delegated some of your SP to voteme.

If you go to this link you will be able to see this in the delegations out tab. Like here⬇⬇⬇
This is actually the information from your page. So as you can see somehow some of your SP ended up delegated to someone else. You can undo this if you wish. The link below will lead you to a tutorial on how to do it.
Please let me know if this helps and if there's anything else I can do. And by the way, your question as an entry is accepted. It is way past my bedtime so I need to go. I send you and all of yours all of my love. And I wish you a good day or a good night.☺👍 https://steemit.com/delegation/@jatinhota/tutorial-how-to-delegate-and-undelegate-sp-quickly-and-easily-using-steemworld
i am newbie here in steemit. My question is that how will i increase the value of my upvote? What are the different ways in getting good value?
First, the value of your upvote is based on how much SP you have. And, you can always buy SP out right. Other than that, when you post, you could post powered up. This means that you will get paid 100% in SP. This will also help increase the value and how strong your vote is. Creating good content is another way.And lastly I would say a whole lot of hard work. Spending time meeting people in the community. This will help to let people know that you were here and get you recognized for your hard work. The more people that you know the more the chances are that you will meet the right person at the right time that can help you. Please let me know if this is helped you. And until we meet again I send you and all of yours my love.
im grateful for paying attention to my query. Rest assured i will put that in mind and try my best to follow your advice s one at a time.
Absolutely my friend. Anytime. Just in case you ever have questions in the future, you don't have to wait for me to put out a post, just ask. I will always do my best to help you.
My question is... what will tonight's winning lottery numbers be?
I'm sorry but I can't do that.
If "they" knew I had every lottry rigged I'd be in big trouble.😲
No just kidding my dear friend. It's good to see you here. And even better in all reality to hear your question. I just got done laughing. Like literally laughing out loud. I truthfully wasn't expecting that one. But it is definitely a very valid entry. So it is accepted. My dear friend until next time I send all of my love towards you and all of yours.
Haha, well even though you didn't give me the numbers, still managed to win about $60, so I'm crediting you with giving me the good luck I needed. Thanks.
Good deal! Do you already know how to get that 60 bucks put in to SBD so you can hook me up? I can help you if you need it. 😁 I am just kidding my friend. I am happy to hear that you want some money though. It's always nice when life throws a good one your way. 🤑
Number of posts or upvotes or followers??
As far as influences to our reputation, everything you mentioned really. But is your posts that get you of votes and followers so they matter. And then also, not only do your up votes and followers add to your reputation, but who upvoted you and who follows you also influences your reputation. The stronger the votes you receive from people with higher reputations the quicker your reputation score will rise. And as far as up voting your own post, my first question would be how much is your vote worth? If it is worth less than $0.03 then up voting your post Alone by yourself does you no good unless somebody else comes along and up votes it as well. So that by itself could be a huge disadvantage. Also, some people look down on voting for your own content. So you may influence other people away from you if you do it all the time. Also if you are voting on yourself regularly, you will not have as much vote power for everybody else. Advantages to voting for yourself include that it may make your post a little more visible. Or if you vote on your own comment it may bring your comment closer to the top of the comment section. Also if your vote is worth more than $0.03 you have the ability to earn off of yourself and allow others to curate from you. I have always heard voting your own content is up to you if you want to. However, I would highly recommend not upvoting your own content. I would say to use your votes attempting to curate from other people by voting on good content that they create. And then also, when you see one of your posts only sitting at one or two cents, use your up vote to get it over $0.03 so that way you get paid. Other than that I would stay away from upvoting myself as much as possible. Please let me know if you found this helpful. Oh, and your question as an entry is definitely accepted. Thank you so much for your time. And as always I sent you a big dose of my love.
Oh thanks..
This was quite helpful..
You're welcome. I hope you're having a great weekend. ☺
Sure a great one.
What is your no. 1 piece of advice for finding higher-valued upvoters?
I've got a decent following now, but I need the ones that have more voting power than you and I do. (I recently hit 0.02 votes, yay!)
Well, the only way that I've ever had any luck. And by luck I mean, I have people who follow me who have votes at full power worth several dollars. And truthfully it just came naturally. I commented in their comments sections. When people in their communities needed help I tried to help. The comments that I left were long to very long but very meaningful and sincere. And from what they told me, they enjoyed the long meaningful comments and the fact that I helped. So, that works for me and maybe it won't work for everybody. And some situations I think that we have to just figure out what we're good at and use it to our advantage. I always believed that by looking within oneself we can often find the best answers. And congratulations on the $0.02 vote! Keep it up my friend. Please let me know if this helped. And thanks for taking time out of your day to stop by. ☺
"Engaging" is the sum of that... something I try to do, but sometimes can't put as much time into it as I'd like. So keep on what I'm doing... That works.
I truthfully believe sometimes it's more about luck then the amount of time you put into it. That's kind of what makes it the hard part. However, one more piece of advice I'll give if you haven't figured it out already. One thing you can do is find people that you have things in common with and you believe you would be able to easily conversate with. Then check out the amount of SP they have and the account value and how long they have been on steemit. Also check out how many followers they have compared to how many people they follow. The more people that follow them and the less they follow the better. The people who have these qualifications you should spend more time commenting on their posts. Also, you could always Resteem some of their content, just every now and then. And only if it's really good or you find it very interesting or it's helpful to the community. Also if you do Resteem, make sure to take time and thank them for their content and let them know how great you think it is. I hope this helps a little more.
Yes, I've started watching their SP, which helps. I hadn't thought to check out how many they follow though.
I now often check out who upvotes me - especially if I see a big jump - then, I'll go and comment on something they've posted if I can... I figure that if I can, at least, encourage them to come back, it helps.
Because I like you☺, I will give you one last tip...there are people out there worth A LOT!!! Hundreds of thousands of dollars in their wallets here. Some of them are very great people! They will post, and then upload their post so that you can curate off of them. They will also give gracious up votes to good comments. 2 to $3 worth for a single comment! If you can find these people, and they have things in common with you spend your time there for sure. But you also need to find the ones that don't already have like a thousand people doing this. Like I said it's as much about luck as it is time. Just stay patient and keep it up. And promise me you're not going to go nowhere.
Thanks. Yeah, looking for the rich ones would be worth a lot.
How to deal with your ex??
In dealing with exes, which I have done on more than one occasion, I have found there's two solutions. I called them the $0.20 solution and the $2000 solution. One comes in the form of a bullet, and the other comes in the form of a lawyer.😁 Just kidding by the way. I wish there was an answer to that one because if I knew it I would definitely tell you and everybody else I know that has an ex. I will tell you though that's your question made me laugh. And therefore I will accept your question as an entry. I also want to thank you for resteeming my most current post. SO, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I hope that your weekend is going well!
your welcome. :)
This post has been deemed resteem & upvote worthy by @ecs community leaders @chelsea88 & @inthenow
i love the contect