I'm so glad you made it here. Thank you for taking time out of your day to stop by and play my game. I truly appreciate it. Your entry is accepted. also if you don't mind me asking a couple of questions. What is your favorite thing so far about steemit? And do you have much family? Like a husband are kids or siblings? In any case you know @creyestxsa94 so you must be a pretty good person. Just love here like you do in the real world and you'll be fine. Take time to invest in the people in our community and they will invest in you. Try to have meaningful and thoughtful interactions with people and you'll do fine. Thanks again for stopping by and I send all of my love to you and all of yours until we meet again. And may our creator bless yous.
Oh, you're also entitled to a reward courtesy of your above-mentioned friend. 😀 Check your wallet.