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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (I've told you how to do this before....)

in #newbiegames7 years ago

Something I always explain people to do is crypto stuffs, and people never seem to get it. I don't blame them, actually, I was like that, but I began to use bitcoin related platforms which led me to tokens and other coins and now I'm not an expert, but I know some things. One specific person once asked me if Bitcoin was a gold coin you could buy in real life after I told him it was a virtual coin. This is the only person I actually wanted to punch in the face.

And something I always ask my friends and never remember it's the paperwork I have to do to move to a different country. They always tell me and I understand but then I forget the whole thing.


Crypto and the way it works and it's potential application in technology is quite tricky to explain well, mainly because it really is a new concept and mostly because people don't really understand much about computing in the first place! Too much assumed knowledge!

Moving to another country? I've only moved once (not counting travelling, but really relocating), I remember it was a hassle with lots of things being to be done... But I wouldn't remember now!

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