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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (Idioms)

in #newbiegames7 years ago

Another great idea @bengy! :) I guess these would be Canadian? :)

  1. My father always said, when we kids were complaining about something, quit chewing the rag. I don't know what it even means, but as a kid, I just knew it meant to stop whining :)

  2. Hair of the dog. When someone wakes up hungover, apparently it helps to have a drink (yes, alcohol:), and people say, "oh, I'm just having the hair of the dog" :)

  3. Get your ducks in a row: means to get yourself organized

I'll have to come back and read through all of these comments too! Good fun :)


I had thought that chewing the rag was just idle chatting? At least in Australia, maybe in the Canada it is different! I'm surprised my wife didn't know the last one, I thought that was quite common in the English countries!

Whenever my dad said it, I never got the feeling that we were idly chatting :) I'm surprised your wife didn't know it either...I wanted a different choice because I thought that one was a given, but I just couldn't think of another one :)

Yeah me too, I have a very Western vocabulary and use of idiomatic expressions and have always thought the chewing the rag was like chewing the fat and is idle chatter.