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RE: Steemit Basic Income Giveaway (The Answer)

in #newbiegames6 years ago

First, I thought of a whole lot of questions I don't want to ask - like life events in the future - good and bad, or stuff like if there is a God. All of that is better left to the mysteries life is made up from. So, the question I want to ask (maybe besides the lottery question 🤪) is - are there Aliens among us?

Asking another person. Hmm. Again. Not sure. Are the answers going to be an absolute truth answer or what they think they are going to do? Maybe if I can rely on them when they say yes to something... Or if it is a business manner - how trustworthy they really are...


Haha... the lottery question would have been the one... but to know if there are aliens amongst us, that would be absolutely mind-blowing if there were... and somewhat disappointing if there wasn't!

I think someone also mentioned asking if they could trust someone! I think given that people are fickle and changeable, the answer that they give might be truthful for the moment, but might be different an hour later!

But if we all asked the lottery question and all won - the winning would be so small :) Another thing to be better left to the mysteries of life...

The winners of this Steem Basic Income Giveaway and the next question (Your Country) can be found here: