
I THINK we have a choice of melee or shoot when there are no others in melee at the same time.

Hmm, honestly, I hadn't really thought this scenario through... the burna can be used in close combat ... but @happyme didn't declare a charge (which might make the burna overpowered again)... this also affects whether anyone else can shoot that guardsman now.

I'm going to have to research whether adjacent squares is close combat even without a charge.

Okay @pandorasbox and @happyme. I've done some research and this is what I've determined:

  • Any enemy and player in adjacent squares are automatically in close combat.
  • A charge does not have to be declared for players and enemies to be locked in close combat.
  • The burna still uses its template in close combat.
  • No weapon has an auto-wound (learnings from last game) so even though a +2 weapon would get +1 for a charge... the absolute maximum any combat can get is +2.

So, in this instance... the combat still worked out as rolled... but @happyme is now locked in close combat... which means others can't shoot that guardsman, but they can charge him.

I've updated the rules to reflect this research. Thanks for thinking up new and exciting scenarios... each game will be improved on the last.

Haha yes there's so many hooks and angles to these things! Thanks for clarying this.

Maybe @pbock can mindblow the enemy, or @justatouchfey can charge it.

Also, interestingly I just realized that @urbangladiator is in a world of hurt when those big guns in the lower right corner are going to shoot him... maybe @pbock needs to teleport him to safety instead, I think he's out in the open?!

Yeah, I've already done a LoS test for @urbangladiator and only one Heavy Bolter can see him... but yes, I'd be nervous.

Ok, sorry.. I am already thinking a few moves ahead and I just came up with another question...!

Those big guns in the lower right and lower left corner are standing side by side behind the sandbags. Suppose I charged one of them, and then slay it. Afterwards I will be diagonally opposed to the other one, and while I am directly next to it I won't be in close combat with him and he'll instead blow me to smithereens? That seems like a bitter pill for courageously slaying one. I kind of wish diagonal melee were possible too

Ah... you actually can't charge over the sandbags or concrete walls... you can only go around.
Since those two Heavy Bolter guardsman are insulated where they are.. you won't be able to charge them... you'll have to instead shoot them, rokkit pack into them, grenade them or psychic attack them.

Diagonal close combat is allowed... it just hasn't come up before. You can't move diagonally, but you can shoot and be in close combat diagonally. You can't charge diagonally. Except, though, when a wall is in the way.

The Painboy for example, could charge the wall... destroy it and then be in close combat next turn.

I think my "teleport one of them to us" plan would work nicely then, if they themselves CAN'T get out we just need to be just outside range :)

Alright! Haha, there goes my plan of teleporting myself into close combat with them! I guess my kustom blaster will have to do it.

But in the painboy example wouldn't be first punch the wall, then spend a turn getting shot at, before he'd be able to close the distance to get into close combat?

I mean... the kustom blaster is pretty mad guns. You could teleport within range and possibly take them both out without too much trouble.. unless you roll averagely. Okay, it might be big trouble if you didn't get them both.

You're right if the Painboy was busting through a brick wall... but since the sandbag wall doesn't take a square to itself.... if the Painboy does bust through, then he's in close combat with one of them because they're adjacent... and while there is still a sandbag wall inbetween him and the other Heavy Bolter, they can't shoot into close combat nor charge him cos the wall is in the way. Tricky, hey.

What a learning curve this game is! We just fumble in the dark for a while while learning all the rules and tricks.