Contest -- Tell Us Your Animal Name

Play and enter to win half the SBD for this contest. Come on, folks, let’s play!

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Contest No. 23 -- Silly Animal Names, Coming Up!

Hey, everyone! It’s time for our next contest!

Today’s easy contest is totally different. For this one, please read the little charts below to come up with your silly animal name.

Just match up your answer in Chart 1 with your answer in Chart 2. I thought this up on the fly so yeah, it’s dumb. But that’s okay; it’s just for fun!

Just leave a comment and tell us your silly animal name. That and upvote this post.

CHART #1 Day of the Week You Were Born (or the Day You Like Best If You Don’t Know)

Sunday - Blushing
Monday - Flatulent
Tuesday - Hurling
Wednesday - Yawning
Thursday - Giggling
Friday - Grouchy
Saturday - Surly

CHART #1 Month of Birth

January - Lion
February - Turtle
March - Elk
April - Badger
May - Deer
June - Monkey
July - Fox
August - Lizard
September - Whale
October - Rhinoceros
November - Opossum
December - Bear

Here’s my answer:

Giggling Elk

The Deadline

This contest will be open for 7 days. When this post pays out in 7 days, the contest closes.

The Prize

The winner will earn half (50%) of the SBD earned from this post!

As the "judge," I have the final say on who wins.

Rules To Play

Be sure to follow these two rules or your comment / entry won't count. Yes, there are only two! It's really simple!

  1. Hit Reply and tell us your silly animal name.
  2. Upvote this post.

The more people who upvote, the more the payout will be. It's simple.

NOTE: Please don’t say anything spammy, or you won't get to be included to win. Thanks!

Winner Announcement

After 7 days when the contest ends, the winner will be either randomly chosen or I will choose a winner. I will announce the winner that day (or the next day in case I get busy or it's late in the day and I'm snoozing).

For this contest, I'll use an online random picker to choose the winner! Your chances are as good as anyone’s!

Spread the Word!

Let your Steemit friends and followers know about this contest so more can play! It's easy and hopefully will be fun.

And the more who play, the bigger the prize will be.

So, if you like, feel free to Resteem this post or link it to promotion groups. Thanks for playing!

Earn More SBD and Enter These Contests!

What’s Your Favorite Food?
Finish This Sentence... No. 1
Tell Us Your First Job
Raw or Cooked?
What’s Your Favorite Book?
What Did You Last Purchase?


Yawning lion.

Um, please read the post; it's not an animal's name that you own. But Inca is a cool name!

Cool! I like that!

Hurling Turtle :D

My animal name would be <<<Blushing Turtle>>>

That's sweet!

Thanks a lot. i'm already Blushing! lol!

I am also Giggling Elk hehehe!

That's funny! Love it!

Surly badger. (Well, at least I am not a honey badger.)

Grouchy Opossum

haha! Nice one!

Blushing Whale.

That's one I'd like to see.

Surly Turtle. Somehow, I feel that is really fitting for me XD

Yes, I can see your sneer from here.

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Surly Rhinoceros .... Is that the coincidence lol

contest thing now hey? ;)Hi @peggyhazelwood! What a cute contest! I guess you're enjoying the whole

My name would be....drum roll.....

Giggling Bear

...which is kind of fitting, because my kids always said I give a really good 'bear hug', but I'm also normally laughing or smiling ;)


I cheated and did both the day on which I was born and my favorite day of the week.
Day on which I was born gave me Hurling Whale.
Favorite day of the week gave me Grouchy Whale.
Since I'm not a morning person, I feel like Grouchy Whale is more appropriate. :-D

Yawning Badger, feel pretty know how much this describe me x'D

Grouchy Fox

Mine is Blushing Lion :D :) I think this fits me because, first, I seem to always blush because I am very smiley and when I smile, I blush. HAHA :D And lion, that's fine because they are still in the family of cats which is my favorite pet :D :D

"Surly Lion"

LOL I'm not going to deny that it fits at times, I'm sure my wife would agree completely. Great contest, thank you for the opportunity!