Prize Details / Ships Sunk
Prizes Found / Ships Sunk
- 1/4 @dustsweeper accounts found by @mellofello ( D 12 )
- 1/4 @dustsweeper accounts found by @hatoto ( D 11 )
- 1/2 Ammo found by @sparkesy43 ( C 4 )
- Air-Strike found by @ranatalha ( J 10 )
- " Fools Gold " found by @mrnicepost ( H9 )
- A week of upvotes from @johndoer123 found by @the-witty-waiter ( F 5 )
Prizes Still In The Grid
- 2 of 4 @dustsweeper starter accounts
- 1 of 2 ammunition ~ Fire Three Shots At The Grid
Fools Gold / Week Of Upvotes Details
@johndoer123 sponsored the prize of a week of upvotes. If you find and sink his ship he will upvote your posts for a week. 2 max votes a day.
" Fools Gold " - You find a treasure box floating from one of the blown up pirate ships. You quickly bring it aboard your ship and open it to see that its filled with iron pyrite ( Fools Gold ). You receive 10 - 30 upvotes worth next to nothing but at least they look pretty. Luckily there was a small amount of ammo in the chest. Fire Two more shots at the grid.
you received an up vote from danlupi with voting power of 100.00%. Estimated dollar amount of $3.8