It can be sent to any dogecoin address ( which includes your dogecoin exchange wallet address, provided the exchange accepts dogecoin ).
Edit : If you are looking for a Dogecoin address is very easy to set up and use. Its an online wallet and all it requires is an email address to create. If you create one don't forget your 8 digit secret code as you will need it to transfer any dogecoin out of your wallet.
I've been trying to keep crypto accounts easy. I only have a few. 3 I guess. I am going to get a cold wallet. My son has one and I follow all his advice on all things crypto lol
Right on .... I do the same and try to keep it simple. The actually has multiple wallets in it. It has a Bitcoin Wallet / Dogecoin Wallet and Litecoin wallet. Its the easiest one to use that I have come across.
I have about $1000 stuck on Binance because my two factor sign in ( that they force you to use ) isn't working correctly so I can't sign in to trade / sell or buy.
I hate 2FA ....