I think laws should be treated as guidelines. When laws are very concrete and can only be applied by their strictly literal meaning, it is very easy for people to find legal vacuums and get unpunished. However, I have to admit that this approach also has disadvantages, because it makes law application subjective.
I propose the creation of a law that forbids the spread of information about terrorist group demands and actions. Expression through violence should not be allowed.
I think your first point touches on an important question when forming laws. Is it more important to catch the guilty or to avoid punishing the innocent? The settings you apply to this question is quite important, I would argue a balance towards the second option.
Whilst I agree with the sentiment of non-violence, I'm not sure a law like that would not have unintended side effects. First and most important of all, what and who defines a terrorist organisation?
A terrorist group is an organization that uses or promote the use of violence to achieve their aims. A court should create a list of terrorist groups. Most of these groups publicly announce their intentions, so they can be identified easily.
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