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RE: TwinForge-Day 1 loggers entry

in #newbiegames6 years ago

Day 1 of the entry registration
I went to the loggers' chief's office and received my 7 marks -.5 resistance C1 to C2.
2- I went to the general store and bought 1 oxidized axe (4M and 3 pork and beans (3M) -.5 resistance C2 to C1.
3-Fui to the nearest block -.5 resistance C1 to B1
4-felled a tree -5 resistance
5- cut 1 register -3 resistance
6- cut 1 register -3 resistance
7- cut 1 register -3 resistance 17 remaining registers
8 -I went to the loggers and the chief and delivered 3 records -4 resistance B1 to C2
9- coma 1 j & b food +5 resistance
10 -returned to my tree cut -1 resistance C2 to B1
11- cut 1 register -3 resistance
12- cut 1 register -3 resistance
13- cut 1 register -3 resistance 14 remaining registers
14- I went to the office of the chief of the lumber and
delivery 3 registers -4 resistance B1 to C2
15 - return to camp and sleep -5 +10 resistance C2 to C1
My day ends with 12 of resistance


2 things to point out your action 15 should have read -.5 not -5 and due to my own miscalculation of my post on madeyearcher earlier you probably got the impression that the final stamina was 12 with those same actions but it actually was 11 in either case here is your updated profile everything is correctly fixed