As mentioned in the Weekly Recap, I would like to show appreciation to members of the Newbie Resteem Initiative with a small token of thank you. A simple gesture to let everyone know the time and effort they take to help newbies and one another in the community is noticed and valued.
I am just a fellow red fish that volunteered to write the Weekly Recap, so there can be one area to reference for the group’s activities. I also decided to share the SBD earnings with our community.
The SBD earnings are split 50/50 between the Newbie Resteem Initiative and Active team members. A master list of members will be maintained by @amariespeaks and myself. Every two weeks or so we’ll try to go through the list to see who is still actively helping with the initiative. Only active members will be listed on the weekly recap. If you’re helping and your name is not on the list, please let one of us know and I will add you to next week’s list.
SO…Intentions are there but the plan did not turn out exactly as visioned.
There are too many members!
The time it takes to individually send out the (small) SBD proportion on a weekly basis is not worth it.
I am in need of member input and suggestions!
Should I wait to send out a collective SBD portion to members monthly, instead of weekly?
Is there a better way of thanking our members?Should I send it all to @davemccoy or @mudcat36 to use for Initiative funding?
Please let me know your thoughts and maybe just say “voted” if someone has the same thought as you.
Members: 39
(Including Partners and Honorary Sponsors/Members)
*Excluded myself. There were members added that I had not been aware of in the weekly recap report.
Please note: Do not upvote this post (unless you want to donate 😊). There is no way I am going to send out 39 more transactions!!
Check your wallets for the small SBD proportion. Should look like the below. $1.605 went to Dave for the initative funding and other half divided equally between members.
aahhh what a job! I applaud you for getting those transactions out though! I upvoted and I'm happy to donate the $teem. I'd think a monthly reward would make much more sense but I'd also feel fine with the $teem going into a pool for the initiative :)
hey @amariespeaks 2 things... One when you get a chance after your minnow monday is done and you have a few minutes there is something that I would like to speak with you about on discord.
Two, I agree with you on keeping it easy for @beeyou (and all of you for that matter)... So if you don't mind, would you read my comment below so that you can help me to convince her if you agree with my points? I see the respect she has for you in her words, so if you agree with me then help me... ps.. if you don't agree with me, then shsssss don't tell her that! Hahaha jk... I think @beeyou is awesome and is paving a path for others to follow, so doing it right is actually very important. (and by right I mean less work and more effectiveness)
I hope you agree or I will be fighting 2 ladies that are smarter than me! lol
I should be around all morning (East Coast time) - working on my minnows post now.. send me a message on discord :)
p.s. I put in a good word for you with the Boss Lady ;-)
You seem to have a handle on this stuff @davemccoy so perhaps you might guide me to some informative posts, or at least to users@ that I can go to to research please.
I would be happy to simon62.. If you tell me what you have questions about, then I will do my best to answer. As far as where to find info... I would suggest you go to my blog and start near the beginning... starting in my 7th day I posted about all the things I've learned as I've learned them. Its easier to start earlier and work forward that to start at the end... There is a progression that takes place here and the lessons are kindof earned a a natural order.
But if you don't want to go through my blog, that is ok... I know of only one person brave enough to venture through all the posts and resteems (@beeyou)... I will still answer any questions either way and happy to help you.
You'll see at some point I realized that to do well here, you need your friends and followers to do well too.
--ah, the vote is still circling, so this may have to wait until morning, as I might have exceeded bandwidth. Sometimes it's hard to get in replies to all replies, comment, vote and blog, and in time, and bandwidth. Time now, aest2020hr.Thank-you. I have liked reading @beeyou posts and voted. @mariespeaks is in comm with me frequently so I get to read @beeyou in comments and replies too. I am only on android, but will give it a go, as soon as I can. Time is the other bother. Without training I am very slow, and on a phone with a small screen, it is not the same as cpu. I don't type either, but at least on a keyboard I can get faster the more I do. Here I post without copy/paste, but all done one finger/one character. So, an exercise. I'm glad someone has answered with a practical exercise that can be done from where I'm looking. Many techie answers are sure and positive, but I'm sure they are written from frontal lobe to one of equal techie knowledge. If you were to ask me in my field, without first thinking of you, I too would answer from my field and expertise, which I do understand is not necessarily a good practice.
I like the monthly reward idea too @amariespeaks but wanted input. Oh my goodness, I have neck cramps!! Lol, thanks for the donation.
I finished on time and caught the end of the SuperBowl. Wow, Eagles history.
I think monthly is good but on the other hand, if giving it to @davemccoy will see initiatives that will be of more benefit and will increase the payout then I think that would be best
hey Mark I appreciate it, but if we are to grow then we need to have set up a model where will encourage our members to learn how to successfully motivate through rewards. One person is limited in what they can do, but many people have unlimited potential. @beeyou is going through a process that you will go through too, we will all move much faster if we have successful people to follow!
Its not going to be too long before this exact situation will apply to you too... So lets come up with a framework that encourages as many as possible to learn how to use their power wisely!
IE, there is no reason we can't have 100 @beeyou's helping in their own ways by the end of the year. Then what kind of organization would we have? (and 100 is easy btw, I was going to say 500) ;)
Thank for the confidence though my friend :)
I made sure I did not tag Asher (abh12345) or any of our sponsors on here! Lol. Thank you Asher. :)
btw, if you don't believe me on how this is the same issue you will face if you ever get delegated SP, then ask @goldendawne @coolguy123 or Asher about it too (I didn't tag him either). Learning how to use your "power" (money or upvoting power) is one of the biggest things that will make you or break you here. Since I know you have good motives, then I know you will not disappoint anyone. Always do your best and ask for guidance if you need help.
Ask any of them, they will tell you.
ps... when you learn this, then you can help me teach others ;)
Also, for all the hard work that @davemccoy puts in I have put his name forward to win this huge reward. Please visit this link and check it out and if you also think @davemccoy is deserving of this then please also nominate him by commenting why you agree with my nomination. Maybe @beeyou could get this idea out to all the members to give @davemccoy as much of a chance to win as possible
Great job @markkennard .Off to drop my comment.
Great idea. I supported your vote
That's great what you're doing for Dave, @markkennard.
I will be sure to stop by and comment. I will also put it in the weekly recap to help spread the news. IF I can find time to start writing.
you're awesome! what a great bunch of awesome people! The great thing is we barely even know each other... Imagine how strong it will be when we have 20 of our people being nominated for all these things... It will happen, yes it will. It will happen because I see the talent and the caring that our people possess!
Thanks for trying to get the delegation and for the kind words you said Mark!
@markkennard, I am so sorry! I didn't have a chance to go support your entry. I'm so behind with catch ups this week.
You would be happy to know though that Dave did receive a delegation from another kind soul. I know know if it's due to your entry highlighting him. Regardless, it was a great thing what you did. I apologize for not getting there on time to support.
That’s ok @beeyou I certainly know what it’s like to lead a busy life. All the best
hahaha... I love the comment about the neck and 39 comments... I know the feeling well ;)
Here is my input...
I loved your plan because it gave someone else that was very involved with recognizing participation. You are already giving half of the money back to the initiative, so giving more would not broaden our cause (it would shrink it because frankly we need more eyeballs paying attention)...
So here would be my suggestion...
keep the split of 50/50 of your weekly recap
on the 50% that you send to people that contribute, just keep an account that you can keep a balance. In other words, you knew you had $1.605 in the "bank" but you didn't have to spend it. You can keep it for rewarding on a case by case basis efforts that you feel are worth it.
Think about it this way... No one signed up to help because they were going to be paid. We are not helping because of the money... But when you think it is appropriate or more importantly needed to show encouragement then you can reward someone because you will have a bank set up.
I don't think you have to disburse the money on any "rule"... just collect it as you said and keep track of it when it comes and goes. That's it. No worries or division required. ;)
On a serious note, this is actually important because first your efforts earned the money and you should learn to use it wisely and for what YOU think benefits the cause. This is exactly what the #stewardsofgondor do when they delegate their SP. They "trust" you to do the right thing. So in order to grow in this, you MUST be willing to step up and learn this skill.
You can do it @beeyou. I have faith in you. I know you will never do anything wrong and will always have the people and their efforts in your heart. You earned this ability to disburse the money and it is a skill that you must learn if you want to both grow here and want #newbieresteemday grow too. Plus if you don't learn this then I will retaliate by writing 5x more words for you to sift through ;) ... which is easier???
I think it is great that you ask people for comments though, that is an awesome natural trait that is very good for your future.
Please say yes so that we can move forward... I agree that we need to not work your poor fingers to death. But if we go on an as @beeyou see's it basis, then you will always carry a balance and be able to reward in so many ways that you can't even imagine yet. Trust me... I have thought this through and I promise you that it isn't the hassle you think it will be.
Please? Pretty please??? Boss!
I think this is a wonderful idea! It also opens up the door to potentially really help out or reward those who deserve it more - instead of spreading out 0.04 to each member every week; if we bank the total amount and save it for a rainy day so to speak, you could give a worthy cause a fair amount when needed.
I agree with @davemccoy no one signed up for this thinking it's a get rich scheme, we all want to help newbies and also create a helpful, compassionate community on here that is dedicated to creating quality content and meaningful interactions. Being able to reward a newbie who's put a ton of work into a blog that maybe only makes $1 would be well worth it - or donating it to newbie in an up and coming country where $teem can make a big difference to their community say- (just ideas!)
I hope you'll like this idea @beeyou I think you're more than capable and trustworthy :) I will happily put all my chips in your basket <3 hmmm.. that sounds weird.. but I'm sticking with it! LOL
I know it’s late in replying, but all this writing did help get you to the top with league 2.😉
I took the advice which you know already.
:) ... you are the only one that I know that goes back in time and reads old posts... I don't know how you hav time to do so much! You are amazing in what we see, I can't imagine what we don't see too... And yes, I found that if I just reply to my messages then it really helps get to the top in Asher's league ;)
ps... I entered the @newbieresteemday account in asher's league... I think its a good challenge to see where the ABC's (and silent D) stand ;)
I see the comment when it first comes across, but sometimes don't have the chance to respond write away. Or the next day, or next. Lol, but the voice in the back of my mind keep telling me 'go back, you forgot to do something' so then I have to reply to get that annoying voice out. Most of the time people forget they made that comment, lol. I'm trying to keep up so I'm only a day behind on comments, but not having much luck so far.
-Saw it since you tag me on everything! :P
haha you like that??? I love tagging my angel!!! How else is she going to see everything ;)
I get more tags from you than everyone else and we chat daily. Lol. I think I’m going to boycott you and Steemit tomorrow at work so I can actually work. Don’t be tagging me on good news making me HAVE to come on.
I am being a good boy today and I'm following orders from my queen! No tags yet... But when I take the night shift, all bets are off ;)
Here's the link to the post and my commentHey @beeyou. I've nominated DaveMcCoy to win a Trophy token for all the efforts he has put into the newbieresteemday initiative. My vote might be stronger if it would be backed up by others. The Thropy token is a motivational award. If you agree that we owe dave one (or many), you could maybe back up my vote to make sure he wins one?
I hope I can still go support tonight or tomorrow @simplymike. I still have to write a short comment on @markkennard’s nomination. Dave is keeping me busy with the new curation trail and weekly recap but will try my best to show support.
Oh my goodness @simplemike. I completely forgot about your trophy token. I was so behind last week. I did see you entered another SP contest for Dave. I’ll go to that one to show my support.
It would be great if we could show how strong the collective is by getting a lot of votes for dave on the contest :0)Don’t worry about the trophy, no big deal. One of my posts did get noticed by Jerry Banfield - the only one I didn’t tag with #newbieresteemday, of course - I’m pretty excited by that (to be honest: so excited I needed to tell someone - lol)
I don't know what you saying. Basically the whole money thing goes right over my head, very much like nearly everything the techies say. But @amariespeaks reckons you know what you are doing and doing it well, so you got a vote from me. Keep on keeping on. 😇
thanks for the vote of confidence @simon62 - glad your supporting the #newbieresteemday projects!