As always Dave, it's more than helpful! I have done some of what your saying: talking and genuinely commenting to bigger fish (check!), figured that one out on my own lol; "genuine commenting", well, like you, I know no other way:). Next...follow up to 100/day...yowza Dave! How long are you on steemit a day do you think? :) Although I do follow people from threads I'm commenting on; I follow those who have upvoted me and find posts they've done and genuinely comment ect. My ADHD gets in the way lol...I can be online for 5 hours and find that I've wandered all over the place reading and have forgotten where I started:) You should see my handwritten notes and stickies all over the place!! haha And lastly, I don't worry too much about others being better than me; some are, some aren't. That's a fact. I have confidence in my abilities for sure.
Anyway, I do want to help newbies (I've already sent several your way for your informational blogs and today a couple for this specific initiative. I've made a point the last couple of days to meet people at Discord: Steemit Bloggers (only 220 members right now, but that's more personal for me anyway)
So I just re-read your criteria above. Seems pretty simple. Do you resteem all requests? I guess just by typing this I answered my own issues!
Private message me on Discord with any more details, but I guess I'm in :) People helping people...that's my thing :)