@leeart - Thank you for reading my post and commenting!
Here is how I see it now, these years later - I had unfinished business from a previous life. The dreams were a preparation and a calling, and a reminder. The job offer in the Sahara was fate. The newspaper was a sign, telling me I was in the right place. Finding the human remains, and re-burying them was the completion of the task. That is why the dreams stopped, and why I left Libya soon after.
The treasure was the opportunity and responsibility to complete a cycle of life.
Life is truly mysterious. Thank you and cheers!
That is a fulfilling answer and I believe you were right. Have you had any other recurring dreams after that? If only there is a way to find out more about the skeleton.
I still think treasures though lol!
Haha! Trust me, I would love to find a chest full of gold! ; )
It would be interesting to know about the skeleton. I think there more to it. Whatever it may be, fulfilling the task you have been called for is more than a chestful of gold.
There is no way of knowing the identity of the remains. It was in a very remote area, the skeleton was old, no means to identify. Many people die in the desert.
To me, it was symbolic. I was putting to rest something that was in my past. I don't know what. It matches my dream in the sense that I died there in war. Was my spirit unrestful? Did it demand a proper burial? I don't know. This could have been the skeleton of a herder from days gone by.
Life, as it turns out, is largely symbolic and memetic in terms of meaning. I can interpret that time as a random set of events with no meaning at all. I can also give it cosmic significance.
The truth is, either way it is my ego interpreting the events. I will leave it up to life.
It is just one of a series of unusual things that happened in my life.
Thank you for your interest in my post, I really appreciate it!
It's good to put meaning to some things we can't explain. The mysteries in life are interesting and the way the human mind give sense to such complexities is comforting. We have to find reason. Otherwise, we will be forever questioning which is maddening :D
You are exacatly right! We humans have awareness and self-consciousness. Without meaning, life becomes an exercise in insanity. Sometimes we give a correct, or incorrect meaning. That is normal, we are interpreting experience.
But it is vitally important to have meaning in our lives and actions. Otherwise, why are we here?