Hey man, what a great initiative ! thank you for this!
This is my introduction post
I would love to just dump my whole blog on here haha as I could use the help with all :) But I'll stick to one
I do a lot of drawings and I don't have process pictures of all of them sadly enough .
Thank you... sorry it took me so long to get to your posts, but I will kick them over to the daily "re-steemers" in the future if you want to find who is active then you can go to the hashtag #newbieresteemday and go to the "new" and it will show you who is active and currently resteeming. I'll kick it over right now, but come back and find me tomorow and I will look to send them to the others.
Thanks for your patience and I look forward to working with you.
Thank you man! and no worries it got quite busy I saw, the initiative is still great. I found you a day to early any how the day after I wrote this one
A post way more worthy of being resteemed than any of the others. Thank you for the suggestion I will keep my eye open on that tag!
Thank you and likewise