You are reading my colorchallenge Monday Red post, in this submission I have three pictures to share with you. Interesting Color fact: were you aware that the color red can actually make your hear beat faster?
Platform users I am most influenced by:
@scottdphoto @crypto @pmwrightjr @dan @get @lgs @nkc @vip @stayoutoftherz @deobrands @powerbot @aiento @mauricemikkers @artguru @vault @francohammer @facer @theprodigy @davidilevy @laodr @lizik @ziggy @orionvk @lilscottie @indikapi @federicopistono @dylanjorgensen @redbanana @steeminator @imagediet @dber @epan @blue @beoped @melbookermusic @alao @jedigeiss @edwardlewis @kobold @underdog @drehrumbum @abcde @badams @polebird @iang @kodaxx @respectful @tolo @allahhh @smurrah @swam @paul @blocks @papotus @steemiteducation @tattoodjay @michaeld @sethlinson @charlie @dgiors @jonnyrevolution @amreshchandra @davidkingns @victory @minnowhelper @vapourb @steem @nahidshirazi @carrotcake @ebryans @tipmra @snapcharts @meister @thetruth @telos @dumar @muwon @elewarne @juicy @bubke @paulyaces @flycryptoguy @smiller @yefym @flyyou @morseke @charlieshrem @ihashfury @goldibex @netwhiz @german @picklejar @qocnenvhrl @razvanelulmarin @infinitor @slugworth @norbu @gaming @priusdriver @mindfreak @coins @awrelll @mikeldavis @girina @agata @yowie
Bad Steemian! Bad!@ciarahamilton you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
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