Sundays colorchallenge submission is focused on one of my favorite colors, purple. The Color purple is commonly associated with royalty, & Manganese was commonly used by cavemen to form purple paint. users I am most influenced by:
@theprophet @colligl @bobsunday @bmw @eco @mod @tai @val @epoxy @anahilarski @krsber @trumpcard @yasien @infinitemedia @swelker @louisthomas @talanhorne @siraspurjitu @aleksandraz @themassacre @lizik @karja @jawnz @lilscottie @balte @schererf @noelboensel @helpfulness @codybill @masterthematrix @jeffrey @engineeringsteem @bakh @drwom @jznsamuel @alol @trail @pressa @charng @underdog @muse @kevteh @waygreenergrass @coffee @keeshircus @kodaxx @thebluepanda @rocketbeee @johnny @gamerveda @cryptopie @kaliju @solidgold @kingbrianboru @chroma @dragonlunch @sirstacksalot @xcom @dashpaymag @dbugeaud @investingpennies @friend @costanza @familyprotection @wittemol @chasechiro @postpromoter @vincentcestone @goldraybob @webcoop @little @eosphere @ttwinmama @dudutaulois @lonose @idyllwild @muwon @nebblettllc @cryptos @virtualgrowth @internutter @standback @xeroc @heart @lightspd @morseke @catwomanteresa @fundurian @strawhat @worldsun @jankasparec @aksinya @starjuno @gadiraju @vinsom @slugworth @walnut @mobbs @boomerang @keuning @jwolf @reconnectnature @gyanibilli @napalm @solbadans @richristow
Bad Steemian! Bad!@ciarahamilton you're on the @abusereports naughty list!
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