Here is my ColorChallenge Red Monday submission, in this post I have three photos for you. Red color Fact: did you know that The US flag contains stripes of red to signify bravery? users I am most influenced by:
@spinbitz @colligl @cyoott @dan @gbd @lgs @mal @zac @johnnyyash @anahilarski @neverwas @trumpcard @asdfghjkl @trippleexpansion @netsjoen @francohammer @facer @brayden @gentlesoul @lndesta @richq @nanosesame @xiknybuc @rosatravels @spacehead @mviswana @andrewlevine @redbanana @ygdrassil @imagediet @bestbroplayer @engineeringsteem @alexwkh @beoped @coffmdo @anca @trudy @brian @masterofcoin @lori @meno @jens @leesongyi @emmamia @ippo @speakyourmind @thebluepanda @cakind @johnny @smurrah @spiz @yinyangboobookat @essra @digdaga @steemiteducation @orangesphere @goldenunicorn @felixmoncadaculp @yell @susanli @mjhomb @johncmitten @cheetah @thecryptotrader @minnowhelper @marius @stach @dmskms @geofftk @etcwave @little @jhinkle @steemitpresident @thetruth @borepstein @dataski @leeuw @nebblettllc @lester @stevescoins @richard @dcshin @donnaleblanc @cobalus @flyyou @troilo @sevinwilson @fundurian @strawhat @worldsun @jnart @trading @newgirl @gonzo @gohba @neyral @norbu @ganked @jaysteem @mindfreak @robak @reddragon @thecastle @arashzahabi @wakeupnd @yowie
This user is on the @buildawhale blacklist for one or more of the following reasons: