It is 2018, isn't it?

in #newhope7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

IMG_20171221_152213.jpg Firstly, let me to #IntroduceMyself.

My name is Nanda Feriana, I was 23 years old and almost 24 years old. I came from Indonesia, and I'm Acehness girl. Did You know Aceh? Yes, i believe you knew it. If you didn't know, i suggest you to know. Actually nothing special in me, i just an ordinary girl. I'm new comer in Steemit. First time i made this account, I just want to follow everyone, cause i didn't know about this, and i need lot of friend to ask about that. Please, follow me and teach me more about how to use and operate this site rightly. Don't allow me to confuse more and more. Please :(

Actullay i was not so expert in english speaking. But just because i'm a student TOEFL Class in a private courses now, so i 'm trying to write and speak english, more often than previously. So i hope you can understand if i've used some common words and my grammatical really untidy. I think it the proper way to me to learn and practise english indepthly. So I used Steemit as the place to practise it. I've tried to not use english translation, except in the urgent condition if i felt difficult to write and to declare the difficul word.

So, is it 2018 right? Hmmm, the time flies so fast.
Actually, if the new year comes, we often repeated something same. What is that? Making the resolution!
Yeah, we always did it. Since i was at Senior High School, i like to write lot of resolutions. I wanna be like something, I wanna have something, i want get something, I want achieve something, etc. In 2018, honestly, i don't want to make any resolution actually. Now i'm realize that imagine too much imagination, it will make you didn't do anything. So, for this year i've stopped to make the resolution again.

2017, it was really the hardest year for me. I through the hard terms, difficult situation, and fully of tears. The big problem crashed me down. If i could shout loudly, i wanna do that to declare how much i suffered. Lot of people came and gone,but i felt alone and i really want to give up. But when i want surrender, there was always people came to me and embrace me. They hug me deeply! I don't know how to say thanks for them, for their love, sincerely and kindness. Eventhough i passed any sadness and suffering, but i always felt fully of hope. They came like a sun light, they brought the hope. That's why i could write this, today.

Now, this is January 2nd, the second day of 2018. And there was still has 363 leftover day again along the year. I don't want to make any resolution. I just want to feel happy and peace along the year. If i must face the big problem, i just hope and pray to the god, He will give me the best strenght. Cause i believe, god always beside me and listen me always. He knows i need him so much!

Hey, Forget 2017! Let's see the hope in 2018.
I've started this year with the special activity, the activity which i left for along time . The activity is, writing! Yes, writing. Joining with this amazing site,, it's the good way to push me to writing again. I think that the best decicion to start this year with the positive hope. Actually i want to write again after left this fascinate work too long.

First time I knew this site from the writing forum in my town, name was Forum Aceh Menulis (FaMe Lhokseumawe). FaMe is the the community which focused in improving and training of writing learning and writing skills. We learned a lot of things about writing there . IMG_20171223_164303.jpg

And every weeks, we invited the speaker to teach the student. The speaker (the tutor) came from several backgrounds and occupation, such as writer, journalist, novelist, lecturer, photographer/videographer, and also social worker. This forum also gave us the chance to publish our essay, opinions, and many others posts in mass media. And also, there were lot of steemians there! I think this is the best place to collect the energy and write again.

Yes, I must write again. Must!
Good Night.


Happy new year! Nice to meet you and welcome to Steem

thank you! Nice to meet you to..

Hey kak, selamat bergabung di steemit. Btw tagsnya kurang tepat kak. Kudu diganti biar lebih banyak vote. Hehe. Btw, follback ya kaak

Hehehe. Baru belajar dek, sempat bingung juga nih. Tapi udah kakak ganti kok. Folback nya jg udaaa... btw, ajarin yaaah. Rada-rada membingungkan juga nih steemit. Haha

Awal awal emang meraba raba huhu

Nice writing. Its a good reading. I know you from your own writings. Hope read more from you always....

Thank you so much pak @alchaidar. I hope so Pak, may i could post more story. Always need your corection and your suggestion.

Kak nanda mah tulisannya gak perlu diragukan lagi hehe @nandaferiana

Hahaha, udah lama banget padahal ga nulis loh dek. Apalagi di Steemit, new comer bgt, masih rada linglung. Harus banyak2 diajarin nih ama Dika....

Yah, dika juga masib belajar banyak sama yang lain kak wkwkwk 😆😆 @nandaferiana

Selamat datang di Steemit @nandaferiana.. Best luck yeah.. 😉

Waaah, makasih banyak Semiii. Really need your guide, hahah

Whaha.. My pleasure, Ndaa.. :)

Selamat datang disteemit. Ditunggu tulisannya dipost.

Terimakasiih banyak...Soon, insyaallah.

Welcome, selamat bergabung di Steemit. Tulisan-tulisan bernas Nanda sangat ditunggu di sini

Hehe, Terimakasih bang. Semoga istiqamah menghasilkan tulisan di ruang yang berbahagia ini.

Selamat bergabung @nandaferiana, saya tunggu karyamu di steemit.

Trimong geunaseh Tgk. Hasan, Payah neupeureno ilee nyoe tgk, mantong awam that. Haha

Welcome kak @nandaferiana di platform media sosial steemit

Terima Kasih kaak..Butuh banyak bimbingan nih.

Selamat datang di steemit kak @nandaferiana. Sudah di follow kak. Meunyoe neutem neu follow balek.. ahahaha

Hahaha, seb brat long tem lah menyoe keu adoe teuh nyoe. Malah paling awal udah kakak follow...Ajarin kakak ya dek. hehe

Welcome to the new world, adoe.

Selamat datang di steemit @nandaferiana .

Terimakasih bang enzasteem :)

Sukses bu Nanda yy

Terimakasih bapak...