I understand your frustration with divide between people. It seems to never end.
I would l like to address this on a couple of levels. The first would be your statement, " I refer to things like save oneself from a fascist goverment".
Politicians and gun debaters alike constantly argue over the original purpose of the second amendment in the U.S.. Unfortunately for the anti gun lobby, the historical references are clear on its purpose. The problem is everyone seems to be deficient in their ability to articulate exactly what that is because of a need it would appear to over complicate the issue.
The simple explanation of the purpose of the second amendment is that, it's purpose is to ensure the government is more afraid of the people than the people are of the government.
The fact that members of the government are constantly trying to limit guns within the U.S. is, in itself, ample evidence that the second amendment is working perfectly as designed.
When addressing the ability of the American people actually using their guns against their own government I would refer to the historical example of Afghanistan.
Afghanistan has been invaded by the British Empire, the Sikh Empire, the Soviet Union, and most recently NATO/United States, and previously to these, by many others.
And yet even in modern times when faced with invasion and occupation by the world's most technologically advanced military forces there has never been a successful permanent occupation of the country.
Most of these modern day invaders have been faught off with the use of old world war two era weaponry.
In the event of a U.S. civil war the military itself would be divided. I think it is naive to think that American soldiers would blindly follow any order to attack their own people. As such, it seems clear that the ability of the American people to fight against a tyrannical government is not only possible but in fact plausible.
On the subject of guns in the hands of the people during their everyday lives.
Here in lies the most prevalent divide amongst most people when discussing guns.
Many years ago the state of Florida passed laws giving its people the right to open carry firearms. The reaction was completely fear based and those who opposed it claimed that their would be western movie style shootouts in the street. This simply never happened.
Most recently the people of the state of maine passed a law called "constitutional carry" which essentially gives the people of the state the ability to keep with them their firearms in any fashion they desire. Either concealed, visible, in their vehicle etc....
To my amazement the anti gun lobby used the same rhetoric in an attempt to literally "scare" up support for their opposition to the law. But once again, there has been not a single OK Corral style shootout in the state.
What did happen shortly after the law was passed is as follows.
In a parking lot of a Wal-Mart in Augusta Maine, two opposing groups of drug dealing gang members started shooting at each other. If it would have been allowed to continue, no doubt innocent people would have been hurt. Fortunately, two people in that parking lot , strangers to each other, were carrying firearms. They stopped the shootout and held the gangsters in place until the police arrived.
Incidences like this happen every day in the U.S. but no one knows it, simply becaust the main steam media in the U.S. is a part of the problem, not the solution.
Regarding division:
The divide amongst the people in the U.S. is not real, it has been created.
Quite simply, a people who are united must be served by their government. A divided people can and will be rule by that same government.
Those who seek to divide the American people do so on every level. Race, sex, income, religion etc... and they do so because they.wish to rule the people.rather than serve them.
It is essential that all Americans recognize this and remove these individuals from their government. In doing so the "will of the people" will once again be reflected in the actions of their chosen leaders.
The American divide is a long and involved discussion and I have been rather long winded already.
I would like however to leave this post on a positive note.
Over the last 15 years I have noticed a gradual change in the American people.
It appears that there is a slow awakening taking place within which people are beginning to speak out and say "No!".
No, not everyone who has a different color skin than mine is a bigot and hates me.
No, not everyone who has more money than I do is evil and has done me personal harm.
No, not everyone who has different sexual preferences than I do hates mine.
No, not every one who practices religion is trying to impose their beliefs upon me.
No, I will not feel guilt because of my lineage.
No, it's not ok that we are in a constant state of war.
No, I will not allow you to segregate me from my countrymen because of my race, creed,color or belief system.
Simply NO!
These individuals are the best hope for the United States, and their numbers are growing. They are the single largest threat to those who would divide and rule the U.S.. and as such, they are the ones being silenced most aggressively by the media and despots within the U.S. government.
These people make me proud, not as an American because I am not one, but as a member of the human race. They are a beacon upon which all others should set their coarse. Shining examples of how the human spirit can overcome all that seeks to do us harm, control us and keep us divided...
The simple fact that you and I are having this discussion is an example of this awakening. You and I my friend are in good company...