I don't usually watch him much but saw something about this. He didn't say Sandy Hook didn't happen. It was an analytic argument.It was more a hypothetical. He had a video about this before the interview because "journalists" said this is what he said. This is becoming a real problem. Headlines appear more like editorial pages than presenting facts and let the readers /viewers assess for themselves. Katy Couric was caught doing some selective editing too. They ask a question 5 times and then splice together the editing they want or just leave it out answers all together. They even use lighting to demonize those they don't like and they wonder why people have absolutely no faith in them. They have lost all objectivity. They are corporate entities who go to Davos once a year to get their marching orders on what to spoon feed the sheep. Journalism is dead. I listened to a couple of his videos and after speaking with someone from IMF he tells far more truth than the so called journalists. I had assumed he was a nut case. He does use hyperbole sometimes to drive his point home but tell me one just one that doesn't. At least Fox has opposing views on. I don't see much of that on other networks.
He is on record saying that Sandy Hook "is a giant hoax". That is just one quote.