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News, January 3, 2018
Bitcoin Billionaires Hiding in Plain Sight
ICOs Raise Over $1 Billion in a Month for the First Time
The Bitcoin Exchange That Once Dominated China Is Heading to Japan
Bitcoin Starts New Year by Declining, First Time Since 2015
Stellar Price Soars 33% on OKEx Listing, Up 165% in 7 Days
Over $900: Ether Starts 2018 at All-Time Price High
ESR WALLET to Make Cryptocurrency Payments More Accessible, Announces Token Sale
Russia’s Plans for Cryptocurrency: “No Regard” for International Sanctions?
Gibraltar Launches Regulation to Protect Cryptocurrency Value and Reputation
South Korea Expected to End Anonymous Crypto Trading by January 20

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العفو اختي الكريمة
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والله اعلم اخي
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احسنت بارك الله فيك
sir ur work is great and i appriciate ur start charity..its my 1st coment and i dont like spam and coment again and…
Gladly, following bumper to bumper
thank you for compiling these news @achim86
Knowledgeable news
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