Nederland maakt zich op voor een besluit over het ingrijpende klimaatakkoord. Maar hoe staat het, terwijl Den Haag zich buigt over wat nuttig en betaalbaar is, bij de grootmachten en nabije Europese lidstaten? Zijn de voornemens voor broeikasgasreducties daar net zo streng als in Nederland en maken burgers zich overal zorgen over de klimaatrekening?
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Apologies in advance for the spam, I assure you, it's for a good cause. I gave you a tiny ass vote, you won't notice it, but, I did.
^flag !popcorn
This is his way of having a little hissy fit because we refuse to believe the Earth is flat.
@animalcontrol is a spam bot run by @fulltimegeek as part of his flag campaign against users who speak out against him.Free speech?!?! Nah, not unless you believe the Earth is flat or hosts elevator using aliens!! Right, @fulltimegeek?
This is his way of having a little hissy fit because we refuse to believe the Earth is flat.
@animalcontrol is a spam bot run by @fulltimegeek as part of his flag campaign against users who speak out against him.Free speech?!?! Nah, not unless you believe the Earth is flat or hosts elevator using aliens!! Right, @fulltimegeek?