Aggroed's Antidote / Deep State News - 4/12/18

in #news7 years ago

It isn't a swamp, it is a cess-pool.

Check out that speech by Jerome Corsi!!!

Good speech, thanks for sharing. @ironshield

No words on paper can secure the internet, nor can affecting changes that don't determine the physical components we are afforded to access the internet.

The chips themselves are backdoored, as is every OS, every browser, every comms app available commercially.

I'll believe Corsi regarding The Donald when those matters are substantively addressed by technology that allows us to produce our own hardware personally. 3D printing technology is going to make that happen. Printing circuits has been possible for quite a while now, and we should soon see that technology arise--or Corsi is wrong about any faction being on the side of freedom and the rights people possess inherently by being natural persons.

This is the essential fact of the Constitution, which is based on that singular truth.

We shall see.

Nice news.We want that news.

I think they have lied everything they said and they are making fools to people from 1999 to 2918 :P and whats that looks like a face of a skeleton

Pedos disgusts me

I like reading about these subject and I know it is a pain to put it all together in a post so thanks. In my experience there are a lot of very truthful elements to so called "conspiracy" theories so anyone trying to bring some truth to light is doing a good thing.

You @aggroed, are now are the one-stop news site for us hungry for the truth, the truth which will set us free from the constant barrage of lies and deception from the Deep State.
They are on the run!!
The real conspirators are about to be exposed.
More please!

Interesting stuff. Some of these are a bit out there but hey allsource intel is tricky business

Damn these pedophiles, they'll do anything just to satisfy their sexual desires. They even go as far as to impersonate social workers. With that said who are we gonna trust with our children? I hope this guy rots in hell.

"...who are we gonna trust with our children?"

I trusted no one with my children. I was their father. I was responsible for their safety. No teacher, no sitter, no lawyer, doctor, cop, or priest, was ever allowed access to my children without my supervision.

I did my job.

Do yours.

Everything at one place :D

A wonderfull potporee of relevant underground news....

Michael Cohen was Hillary Clinton's attorney? Is this for real? @ironshield

A competent attorney, IMHO, would have backup documents regarding such important matters as HRC/WJC involvement with Epstein. I expect such to be the case in the event.

Let's hope so.
