Better news feeds can make the world a better place. I believe if more people had a robust news feed people would make different actions than they do currently. So, I'm here to try to help with that.
FEC lawsuit says Clinton and DNC laundered millions
CIA director Pompeo secretly met with Kim Jong Un over Easter weekend
Barbara Bush is dead
Famed Weapons inspector Fisk reports from Douma
French PM confirms Russians were warned ahead of Trump strikes
Russian top brass reveal tru targets
Pink Floyd's Roger Waters stop concert to talk about False Flag attack in Syria
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor breaks shoulder
Durham city council regets Israeli police style training
FBI tried to shut down Clinton Foundation investigation
Senaors unnerved after new Syria policy briefing
Koreas expected to announce end of 68-year war
Countires bombing Syria seem to occur after meeting with Saudi Arabia
Corbyn gets emergency debate on need for MPs to approve military interventions
USA coopted Cuba's hip-hop scene to spark change
Obama accounces bid to become UN Secretary General
Infant twins die after vaccines
CIA backed skin care product company collecting DNA
CDC is a vaccine company which owns 56 vaccines and conflicts of interest
Industrial Military complex makes billions after Syria strikes
Google is recording everythign you say
Ex-spies are harvesting FB profiles for massive facial recognition database
Trudeau's best friend nabbed in pedo ring
Canadian parents arrested for stopping pedo
No jail for state official with 60k kiddie porn images
HRC sex scandal about to break
Child sex trafficking happening through Child protection services
Thousands pay for child prostitues in CT but notbody has been charged since 2013
Accused child porn maker is a friend of Trudeau
TX school beats ADHD with more recess
Barbara Bush is the daughter of occult leader Aleister Crowley
Inventor of water powered car died yelling "they poisoned me"
Thanks for fixing my newsfeed!!!
Making people aware of information not shared on MSNI appreciate these efforts, @camille1234 has the same approach but for some reason she is always targeted by the Cheetah bot. So unfortunately the information she shares is not being noticed by other Steemians.
That's a brilliant idea. Hope you continue doing that. Thanks!
It does make me pause whenever I hear of another ploy to get us to give up our genetic data. Are they looking for something or someone, perhaps? A certain timeline.
The Vatican has various large telescopes around the world (one may be named Lucifer, if I am remembering correctly). They are looking while deceiving us every chance they get.
Yeah you are right Better news feeds can make the world a better place.
We should aware about all happening in the world and we should learn and should correction.Nice video and news.
Thanks for great post..i appreciate this life..
The news all in one post. Information they say is power. I wonder why FBI is still shielding Clinton's investigation.
Could it be that Russia was truly aware before Trump strikes but allowed it so they can sell more weapons to Syria government to make more money.
your news is very good .. i want to show to all, this is the example the right news .. you are very character .. i really support you friend ..
Wow what a great post