The Best 10 Places for Libertarian News on the Internet

in #news8 years ago (edited)

For your viewing pleasure I've assembled some of the best places on the internet to get yourself a rocking news feed.  Most of the problem with being a Libertarian these days is trying to find a news outlet that doesn't spew corporate pro-government propaganda every single day for 24 hours a day.  On the other hand you also want to have a news feed that cuts down on some of the crazies that live in the Libertarian world.

Now, regarding this list I'm assuming that most people that are Libertarians have at least a small bone to pick with the government, corporations that run it, and the oligarchs that seem to be in control of the deep state.  Now not every Libertarian is a full fledged conspiracy theorist tucking their tin foil hat underneath their colonial hat, but there's enough people in the party that know that leadership in government is not helping the common man to allow some bent in the list below.  While every now and again there are Libertarian lite pieces that get out there by the mainstream media it is sadly mostly filled with corporate sponsored tobacco science fluff pieces or meaningless drivel of celebrity driven news vomit.  Also, there are some great blogs out there that provide wonderful insight into the happenings of the day, but they don't quite make the list as a news site.

Honorable Mention: Steemit- In case you hadn't noticed some of the most hardcore stalwarts of the liberty movement have recently made their move to Steemit.  Adam Kokesh (radio show), Robert Menard (Freeman on the Land movement), and Art of Not Being Governed (Facebook) are just three recent examples of Liberty minded folks migrating to Steemit.  Steemit is still a small space, but as it continues doubling in size faster than a bacterial culture it won't take long before Steemit becomes the go to space for liberty minded news junkies to flock.  Until then, it gets an honorable mention.

Honorable Mention: Voices of Liberty- It's still more blog than news site so it's hard to champion this site for this list.  That said if you're looking for a Libertarian blog with a fairly constant news stream look no further.

Honorable Mention: net right daily- This is a good place to find some good articles that have a Libertarian bent.  The facebook page has 120k likes which gives it a fairly healthy following.  The page is heavy on blog and opinion than on a constant news feed.  So, if you're looking for thoughtful commentary it's a great place.  If you're looking to hear all the stories that are happening that the mainstream media won't cover you'll still need more.

Honorable mention:, Ron Paul Institute.  You can't shake a stick at a liberty parade without poiting it at someone that loves Ron Paul.  Who doesn't like what the Ron Paul Revolution has/had to offer.  Ron has been a steady contributor to the Liberty movement for decades.  If you want an inside read on Libertarian politics from the DC beltway he's your guy.  Still not a news feed site, but you can find great libertarian reads and perspectives.

Honorable mention: Outside the Beltway-  Outside the Beltway is starting to get pretty close to what Libertarian news junkies are looking for.  It has sections on US Politics, World Politics, National Security, Business, Law, Media, Technology, and Entertainment.  It has a few articles in most sections.  It still feels like a big blog site, but not big enough that it is constantly churning out content.  Also, the website is a little klunky so it can be frustrating waiting for the pages to navigate.

Honorable mention: Ben Fulford- When you are ready to cross over from Libertarian to full blown conspiracy theorist you have to stop at the Ben Fulford express.  He's the son of a Canadian politician who lives in Japan and provides a newsout for Japanese secret societies.  Learn about the Hyksos, find out about international banking cartels, get a sneak peek into geopolitical thoughts leaked from the far east, and you'll find an incredibly engaging story.  No guarentees what he says is true, but you're sure to leave with another data point for your consideration.  On the strong negative side he posts once a week so you're going to have to wait to get your weekly dose, also he has a subscription service that's required to see the whole post, so if you're looking to view his report on the cheap check out Stillness in the Storm blog that reposts his stories every Thursday with the full text.

Honorable Mention: SGTreport- It's a small site.  It has a fair number of conspiracy posts.  That said it covers many of the major issues of the day and those that aren't mentioned too.  It's worth a look to see if it's a good fit.

Dishonorable Mention: infowars- If you enjoy loudmouths shouting at you have I got the sight for you.  Check out infowars.  These guys seem on the surface seem to have a long tradition of breaking conspiracy and liberty minded stories.  I can't get the leak that he works for Stratfor out of my head, and there's a lot about his show and behavior that strikes me as a disinformation website along the lines of controlled opposition.  I'm not saying there is not truth to what he says.  It's hard to find an audience without any truth to what you're saying, but I think the spin and fearporn that comes out of this program are intense.  Lastly, the conspiracy theorist in me can't stop thinking that he's Bill Hicks.  The facebook page has 500,000 likes so he's obviously got a voice out there.  I guess my main thought is listen, filter, and don't trust everything he says or the conclusions he leads you down.

12. Natural News- It's not a Libertarian website.  So, it can't be in the top 10.  That said they will rip into everyone: Clinton, Trump, Monsanto, local government oversteps, Pharmaceutical companies.  They have a bit of a rep for going into what the mainstream argues is conspiracy land.  They have a mix of good data points and strong opinion pieces.  They actually have enough news to constitute a news feed.  I wouldn't base my life on the feed, but it certainly provides a worthwhile perspective.

11. Liberty Memes- These folks aren't a news sight so much as a source of entertainment.  They make an endless set of memes that lambaste politicians, politics, current events, and leave no idiot unpunished.  Memes aren't news, but they are reflections of what is being said in the news.  If you're a facebook junkie with a Libertarian viewpoint you can't go wrong with these memes.  They have 140k facebook likes so I'm not the only one who gets and likes the joke.

10. Wikileaks (on Facebook) and Wikileaks- They aren't specifically a libertarian group, but let's be honest... exposing the deep secrets of the deep state is about the most libertarian thing one can do these days.  The website isn't so much of a news site as it is a repository for state secrets.  The facebook page though does contain quite a lot of stories that they help spread.  You can't go wrong with them hitting up your news feed and learning about all the state sponsored injustice in the world and the personal address of those responsible.

9. Reason FB- Reason Magazine-  Coming in at 360k facebook likes and a full website on their own reason magazine runs lots of articles throughout the day that cover Libertarian topics.  They are heavily focused on politics and candidates.  They also have a good smattering of other articles that one can view.  It seems to take itself very seriously so if you're looking for something close to a libertarian leaning CNN then here's the site for you.

8. personal liberty- and Personal Liberty on Facebook- Starting to hit some of the heavyweights out there now.  Personal Liberty comes in at a massive 1.2M likes on facebook and their own website running constantly updated new stories.  They touch on war, politics, cyberwar, government, gun ownership, international news, economics and more.  It's a great place to stop for catching up on what's going on in the world.

7. Veterans Today- Libertarianism can be summed up in 1 phrase: Do NO Harm!  That's it.  Do that and you're a Libertarian.  No one knows how much harm war can cause like Veterans who have fought in those wars.  The steady contributors at VT may not have as broad an audience as some of the outlets on the list, but you can't get a more raw anti-war, anti-globalist and anti-destruction point of view.  They will at times go into conspiracy.  They seem at times to be a leak outlet for the Pentagon or elements of it.  You don't need to believe everything they say, but it's hard to have an informed opinion on military operations throughout the world without the perspective offered here.  You might want to check out an unaffiliated page that has more anti war content from

6. Activist Post- Activist Post Facebook- This page has economy, liberty, war, health, technology, and environment as their major interests.  There is some overlap with green party interests here more than other places, but Activist post has a team of contributors that constantly write and update stories reflecting what's happening in the world.  Want to know who's getting Zika Sprayed?  What's ISIS up to? Concerned about your privacy?  Activist post will offer up a lot of commentary and up to date information.  They come in a little smaller on the facebook page size at 500,000 likes, but that counts as a following.

5. Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell Facebook- Anti-State, Anti-War, Pro-Market... it kinda says it all.  This blog has been around for a while and has shaped many Libertarian opinions out there.  They keep a good list of stories and articles to let you know whose invading a country, your privacy, or your rights.

4. Anti-Media and Anti-Media on FB- You can't have a full news feed without the anti-media.  They post on all major and relevant topics: government, law, security, international affairs, economics, police, and a host of others.  The posts are well written, they'll cover a lot of detail of what happened, and have commentary on those events.  They have a great following of 1.7M on facebook and they run their own radio show as well.

3. Reddit - The first of two crowd sourced places on the list.  This reddit thread is just a bunch of people posting stories they think are interesting to Libertarians.  Who knows better what Libertarians like than Libertarians themselves right?  You may have to wade your way through some articles that don't resonate with you, but what difference does it make?  Here you have a team of net junkies sharing stories they think are worth a read and presumably they share some of the same values as you.

2. Facebook news feed- You may not have it setup now, but facebook can actually be one of your best friends to learn about what's going on.  Now, you may not want your whole family to know that you've become a deep-state hating libertarian 3%er, and you may actually pull off some of this in secret.  Get yourself another email account, sign up for Facebook, and go on a rampage finding facebook pages that you like and friending everyone in a tin foil/colonial hat.  Sure, you'll get a lot of weird stuff that comes through your feed, but you'll have more information at your fingertips than any of your friends.  Now if you start spouting everything too them you may run out of friends, so just be sure to measure the level of forced engagement with libertarian content to your requirement to have a social life.

On a side note you may want to document what pages you like and what friends you have as you go every so often.  Facebook, like google, has a strong record of censorship of activists and anti-government folk.  Keep a list that lives in a physical space of the pages and people that you like so when your new activist account gets shutdown that it isn't all that hard to reboot it. 

1. Zerohedge- On a long enough timeline everyone will source their news from Zerohedge.  Zerohedge is a giant.  The anonymous authors that post their stories as Tyler Durden will inform, enrage, and enlighten you.  They'll cover politics, government, law, economics, central bank shenanigans, war, and present you with the story that the mainstream isn't telling you.  These guys break so many stories that wind up parroted everywhere it's amazing.  In today's world you can't have a functioning Libertarian news feed without them.  Put this site on your go to list every day and make sure you have your ear to the pulse.


I have to note Austin Petersen's page!
Hopefully, one day I will be added to the list too (down the road though)..

Austin Petersen is a fraud and his website is done by his sycophants.

He is a saint next to Trump. I hope he wins. Missouri needs him.

Missouri needs someone to tell them how to live their lives? nah it would be better if Missouri did things through voluntary cooperation not coercion

That I'm for! Let's do it.

This is spot on. everything you mentioned are my main sources of info. I used to have respect for Alex and the rest of the info wars crew until they became a shill for Trump

i'd say infowars is a neocon source -- not a libertarian source. Zero hedge and Reason? Also more Right-wing than libertarian.

A much better source to check out is ben swann! or even Free Thought Project..

Free Thought Project is great. I'll include them if I do a remake. Ben Swann is good, but they aren't a news feed. Maybe he can be an honorable mention. I like Still reports too, but again it's like commentary and not a news feed. Trying to balance getting lots of articles that cover lots of subjects in a short amount of time relative to one or two thoughtful articles a week. Thanks for your feedback.

The idea that there is even a true right or left wing is an illusion, feel do I. People either have something broken in their head and want the government to run their lives... or they reject that ideology. It's kinda like trying to find that one "normal" person out there, its just a statistical anomaly.

Why some libertarians have this deep seated 'need' to distance themselves from "right-wing" is beyond the understanding of mine. Politics is two dimensions instead of one. In addition, remember the axiom: 'That you become what you hate'.

fulford is kinda whack. good comedy though.

Found a couple new additions from your list. Also had a couple suggestions.

Sibel Edmonds' Boiling Frogs Post (Newsbud)
The Beacon
The Freeman

CorbettReport is libertarian (even anarchist) and very professional in it' gathering of sources.

Grateful for you sharing your Gravity, am I. May you ask the Goddess to eternally alight your self-determined path.

Used a couple of the links to find RSS Feeds to make an iNewspaper aggregate better, have I.

Do you know of a good libertarian centric news source for sports?