As Jim Richards said, if there is a financial crisis, there is no one left to bail the banks out!
This all started back in 1913 with the creation of the U.S. Federal Reserve. - Yes, another FIAT currency creation. Well the central banks have not been able to control he up and downs of economic expansion and contraction - just look at the recessions and depressions that we have had.
Yes, we are going/moving towards a digital currency.
In Scandinavian countries, especially Sweden, and China, coins and notes are hardly used , but payments by contactless cards, mobile phones and online payments. In the UK, local banks are closing down and the number of ATMs are drastically reduced in number. Contact now with a bank is now by telephone or online.
I am still wondering how this will all end and if the pain of going through a severe economic downturn can be avoided. All I see is the creation of more debt, more deficit spending and the banks increasing their derivative exposure. NOTHING HAS BEEN FIXED!
Thanks for your informative reply.