What to Expect from Rio 2016

in #news8 years ago (edited)

The Olympics games are almost here! The whole world gets together in Brazil to celebrate sports and athletes, but are we really prepared for this? What if I told you for the past months Rio de Janeiro is having some organization troubles, to say the least. 

Do not come to Brazil for the Olympics

Is the main phrase shouted during demonstrations all over the city. Imagine the shock to see police men and women screaming this at the exit of the airport. The strikes are increasing as the money runs out. The expenses for the Olympics games in Rio took more money and time that was promised, and the current situation shows a critical lack of basic services to hold an event like this. 

The police warns about violence and the government is still trying to finish the metro line. More than 240 police officers have been shot in Rio de Janerio this year. The plans to contain violence in the slums of Rio has been failing to agree in some sort of peace among the gangs. Police forces are raging against the federal government about the budget cuts that have diminish the function of fundamental services in the city like police, hospitals, firefighters, among others. 

Only a few weeks away from the opening ceremony and the local authorities are still requesting more money to finish the unbelievable expensive and delayed infrastructure reforms around the city for the event. 

A Chaotic Year for Brazil

Well, this have been a year of changes and explosions over here. By the end of last year, Brazil was officially entering to an economic crisis that not many saw coming. The local currency loosing its value and a rampant corruption being discovered at every level in the federal government, ended up as an impeachment process that brought a new President just a couple months ago. All this, and still no one paying much attention at Rio and its deadline.  

So the economy is bad, no one is getting paid well and the security for the event is on strike, what a nice scenario for the Summer Olympics 2016. 

I have to note that after the recent France attacks, now, for the first time, the brazilian authorities are asking for help to improve security during the games. Of course, a city as Rio with such a huge map of slums, lack of resources, armed forces on strike and population is not at risk for such an international event like the Olympics!!! 

Let's hope a magical resolution will be provided by the eternal joy of our culture, lets make celebration take parade all these days and forget about all the problems, at least that was what happened during the FIFA World Cup in 2014. 

Good luck Rio, you'll need it. 


A Survival Guide For Foreigners 

Thanks to @deboas


Sport should always be above politics and economy!

Sure, you're right. But, if not, who pays for it? Who allows it to happen? Either governments, or businesses. Anyway, it's sad that they're always dragged into political issues. Or, that they're used like pawns.

Remember the FIFA scandal? And we thought a non governmental organization directed by Swiss old man was going to be different.

lol, this is great! Thanks. Querido gringo kkkkkk.

É asim mesmo kkkk. Vai tar panki esse negocio ali. Abraços quirido.

E vc pode ser asaltado kkkkk a melhor dica, valeu! Feshow!

The same challenges were present during the World Cup in 2014. Nothing's really been fixed, except that Dilma Rousseff was ousted. Which doesn't really fix the whole problem. Yeah, I don't think I'd go to Brazil unless I had an entire security detail with me. Which would be a complete paradox in and of itself, lol.

During the World Cup the economy was in its peak, a strong currency and big investment in the country. From what I heard, the was an implicit social pact among society-criminals-gov to have a good show for the world, even though the corruption, things were more or less good for everyone. Now the unemployment rate is rising, the economy not doing so well overall and the city with the highest rate of violence in the country. I think this is going to be like SimCity, the game, during a disaster challenge.