With the growing homeless crisis in Los Angeles, Angelinos can now donate to the homeless by feeding a meter. Six meters will be located in downtown LA and all the money collected will go towards the Skid Row-based C3 program, a cooperation between the city, county, and local service providers that provides outreach to the homeless and helps them find housing. Not only can pedestrians give cash donations, the meters will also collect contributions through sponsorships that cost $3,500 a year. Los Angeles City Councilmember Jose Huizar and Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis have both sponsored a meter in Grand Park, and four other meters at the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument will be sponsored by the Hayward Manor Apartments, the Alexandria Hotel, the St. Vincent Jewelry Center, and the city department that maintains the monument.
Sounds like a good idea, now they don't have to pay fundraisers/let homeless people sell magazines etc, I wonder how many "desk-jobs" those meters will enable... "Help the homeless (plus a 100 people working full-time"administrating" this "help" in nice air-conditioned offices)...?
Maybe I am wrong about this specific project, if so sorry. Homelessness really upsets me, and what upsets me more is people getting rich from these aid-projects...
But thanks for the article @alphacash