Donald Trump's Assassination? Bet Available on Augur.

in #news7 years ago


The popular decentralized betting platform Augur is now taking bets on Donald Trump's assassination by year end. Though not the most popular bet on the platform, but more than 50 bets have been placed on this event as at the time of publication. Similar markets, moreover, exist for a number of other public figures, allowing users to gamble on whether 96-year-old actress Betty White and U.S. Senator John McCain — who has been diagnosed with brain cancer — will survive until Jan. 1, 2019.

Because of these controversial bets, some browsers have censored Augur while it is still available on uncensored ones. This nascent decentralized betting system poses a great risk because no one can be held responsible for the platform's content and fear do exist that profit might spur the actualization of these death bets by unscrupulous elements.

Supporters of Augur argue that the developers of the platform shouldn’t be held accountable for the content posted by the users, despite the ethical implications. They believe that since it is a decentralized platform, the developers are not responsible for censoring content.

While earlier on, the developers had a ‘kill switch’, since it has been two weeks since the platform launched without any issues, the kill switch was transformed to a burn address and therefore no single entity can control the system.

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Rescue him form his enemies, my Heavenly Father, Protect him from those attacking him, rescue him from those evil men, save him from these murders!
Look at them lurking to ambush him, they are strong and united against him; for no fault, no sin, no offense of his, Yahweh, how they hurry into position!
Wake up stand by him and look, Yahweh, God of Sabaoth, God of Israel, up, now and punish these pagans, show no mercy to these villains and traitors! I plead Christ's blood over him, his family and administration, for deliverance out of the hand's of Satan, for their justification, sanctification, for the life you intended to grant them and for access to your Holy Throne to adore you, bless you, to worship and tell you that there is no other that can compare to you, no one can claim the work of your Holy Hands. In the mighty name of Yeshua, the anointed Christ, let be done, for your glory and honor. I declare and cancel the enemies' plans against these Nation and its people, Father, please establish it.