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RE: Brandon Biggs Prophesy

in #news8 months ago

WOW, what an AI image! I love it! Super evocative...

And finally got to listen to the Christian prophet. Crazy stuff!!! Although the image of Trump weeping to the Lord is an interesting one...

I wonder how WTK can show up to support our readers, and help them become aware of the potential breakdowns coming our way. I mean many people in the alt media communities are talking about it, but the energy is reactive and too certain in its pontifications for my taste. How can we talk about this in a healing and constructive way?


Back when I was consulting I got lots of mileage out of scenarios. Basically saying that if x, y, and z happen then here's a story about how that might look. For wtk we could use a modified Scenario Planning approach or maybe do something less formal but along similar lines?

Let's put a pin on this. I really like this idea!