G'Day Steemiter's!
"World POPULATION RATES—>Quick and easy post. Only numbers"
SO! I have decided to stamp the world's population stats into the blockchain-permanently.
The average person you speak to will say, "The Earth is over populated..."
This is pure media propaganda speak. They are spewing forth the same bullshit being fed to everyone via the tele-vision and other MSM sources.
Enjoy <3

The 'Dependency Ratio' and Others
The 'dependancy ratio' is an age-population ratio of those typically not in the labour force (0-14 and 65+years old) and those in the productive part of their lives (generally around 15-64). This is used to measure the pressure on population production.
This information is VITAL for governments, economists, bankers, business, industry, universities and all other major economically based segments of society which stand to benefit from understanding the impacts of changes in the 'dependancy ratio'.
Isn't it interesting that all of the 'segments' of society, mentioned above, are all the most corrupt and in need of exposure?
- High dependency ratio= Serious issues for a country if a large chunk of a government's expenditures are on things like health, social security and education, because these are services used most by the younger and older of the population. The fewer people in working age, the fewer people to support the most vulnerable in society...
- This particular ratio equation doesn't account for independent 65+ or working age people not working.
Sex/Gender Ratio
In most species, the sex ratio varies according to the age profile of the population. However, a study in 2002 stated the natural birth sex ratio is estimated to be close to 1.06 males/females. Basically--->1:1 is a pretty safe premise.
There are several issues with this way of measuring the population.
- Sex Selective Abortion
- Infanticide (Females primarily)
- Mis-Reporting, Faulty data collection (i.e. for most of the 20th century in Russia (and the Soviet Union), extremely premature newborns (less than 28 weeks gestational age, or less than 1000 grams in weight, or less than 35 centimeters in length) were not counted as a live birth until they had survived 7 days; and if that infant died in those first 168 hours it would not be counted as an infant death. This led to serious underreporting of the Infant mortality rate (by 22% to 25%).
Can we all see the consequences of sex ratio imbalance???
Everything from sex crimes to woman and child labour, is affected by this imbalance. (Source)
Other Things That Effect Population Ratio's
- Endocrine Disruptors (EDC's)---->are chemicals that interfere with hormone systems. These disruptions can cause-Cancerous tumours, birth defects, Learning disabilities, Severe ADD and ADHD, cognitive and brain development problems, Breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid and other cancers, diabetes, obesity, female and male reproduction,sexual development problems such as-feminizing of men and masculinisation of women. Any system that is controlled by hormones can be COMPLETELY DERAILED by hormone disruptors.
The most vulnerable time for us to be affected by these chemicals is the stage from fertilised egg to fully formed baby.
Sources of EDC's include: BPA (in plastics), Phthalates (plastics), Pesticides (-i.e DDT, Cholrpyrifos, Atrazine, Glyphosate) and pollutants such as dioxin and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's). Parabens, UV filters, Triclosan (anti-bacterial soaps), Perfluorochemicals (Clothing), Cosmetics, Soy Products (Xenoestrogens), Lotions, Any products with Fragrance and anti-stick coated pans. (Source#1) (Source#2)
Infanticide and Sex-Selective abortion
Economy Stress
Current Fertility Rates

A recent study shows that Sperm count in men from America, Europe, Australia and NZ (WESTERN COUNTRIES) has dropped.......
50% in LESS THAN 40 years and IS NOT SLOWING.
Reveal spoiler
This means we are currently facing a death of Western Culture.
What does that mean? Destabilization of our home countries by welcoming in refugees to fulfil population and workloads. (Replacement Migration) (Source)
The plan is in full force people. Agenda 2030....If you have not heard of it...Please ask questions.
Can We Turn This Around?
ZPG or Zero Population Growth is the long-term goal, In the Guise of "Sustainability"...
The idea of destroying a culture is to bring in a new one....And We all know the satanic, child-raping and murderous agenda that they (The powers that SHOULDN'T be) want to enforce...
The Global fertility rate is currently sitting at around 2.5. This is barely above global replacement fertility rates. If you count the current levels of mortality--->The Number is 2.3 as of 2015.

Who Is Behind The Fraud of the "Overpopulated World" Story?
Many years before Hitler and his idolisation of a dominant 'Nordic' race, The concept of the white haired, blue-eyed 'master' race was cultivated in California. Eugenists played a huge, although not well-known, role in America's campaigns for 'Ethnic Cleansing'.
Along with everything else in our reality, Eugenics has a sliding scale......In its extreme-It means to wipe out all humans deemed 'unfit'-Allowing only those within the 'chosen' or 'ideal' populace to live. This has led to mandatory sterilisation laws throughout time. As well as marriage restrictions (Inter-racial marriage etc) and Segregation Laws.
It is also important to say here, That without the following Names and foundations, This all would have been some weird pillow talk that had no backbone. These corporate 'philanthropists' have pushed the eugenics picture full steam ahead with the extensive finances backing them.
The first real mentions I get of 'over-population' is from this gentleman...
I thought it was VERY interesting to note that his name is directly associated with a Demon....And that demon associated with Crowley Magic.
Moving into the newer and more well-known names and 'foundations'.
The Gates Foundation----> Responsible for a multitude of the issues we are seeing today. See my in-depth investigation on the Gates Foundation's nefarious double speak----->
https://steemit.com/vaccines/@ancientmystique/ancient-mystique-the-gates-foundation-in-depthThe Rothschild's-----> (Rothschild's Explained in 4 Mins)
The Rockefeller Foundation----> Everything from IG Farben and Auschwitz to Agri-Business and JP Morgan....This Familial "Dynasty" has infiltrated every corner and facet of our society it seems. They are linked funding to Alfred Kinsey's Criminal acts, Assisted Josef Mengele through the German Eugenics program (Source) and have funded Wars throughout history. By 1926, Rockefeller had donated some $410,000 -- almost $4 million in today's money -- to hundreds of German researchers. In May 1926, Rockefeller awarded $250,000 toward creation of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Psychiatry. Among the leading psychiatrists at the German Psychiatric Institute was Ernst Rüdin, who became director and eventually an architect of Hitler's systematic medical repression.
Included are some sources if you do not know about these 'People', please do everyone-including yourself-a favour and, please, research them.
(James Corbett|Rockefeller History & The Big Conspiracy Breakdown)Henry Kissinger----> Is knee deep in this whole big mess. He has a finger in pies across the board-NO EXCEPTIONS. Here is a great run-down of this war criminal.
Carnegie Institute----> Funded the Cold Spring Harbour research facility, one of the largest eugenics centres on record. AlsoSupported a 1911 "Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section" of the "American Breeder's Association"
Adolf Hitler and the 'Nazi's'-----> Wanted to create a 'superior' Aryan Race by cleaning the genetic pool....This can be seen as moving into the Fourth Reich and blossoming into what we have today. Eugenist Luciferian and Neo-Con Central.
Human Betterment Foundation------> The Human Betterment Foundation (HBF) was an American eugenics organization established in Pasadena, California in 1928 by E.S. Gosney with the aim "to foster and aid constructive and educational forces for the protection and betterment of the human family in body, mind, character, and citizenship".
Eugenics Research Society-----> Racism masquerading as "Science"......... “Whatever the motives and methods used to realise them – persuasion, education, coercion, sterilisation, segregation, euthanasia and more – eugenics has stemmed from the belief that a population, ‘race’, or even the species, is ‘degenerating’ and in urgent need of improvement and revitalisation.” (Prof. John Galloway. Review, The Oxford Handbook of The History of Eugenics, 2011)
American Eugenics Society------> Related to the above and all other names mentioned throughout this article
The Bilderberg Group------> And thats just to name a few....
Even the U.S. Supreme Court endorsed aspects of eugenics. In an infamous 1927 decision, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote, "It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind . . . Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
**This decision opened the floodgates for thousands to be coercively sterilized or otherwise persecuted as subhuman. Years later, the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials quoted Holmes' words in their own defense.**
Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing sterilization and circulated them to German officials and scientists.
With a healthy kick of funding from the Rockefeller foundation, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin.
American eugenists craved twins for the genetic aspect heredity.
And herein Lays some very interesting and not widely publicised information....
There is a town, deep in jungles of Brazil, called Candido Godoi. This town has an unusual trait of having twin babies....That are blonde hair, blue eyed.......German Looking..
In a book called; Mengele: The Angel of Death in South America, Jorge Camarasa (Historian specialist in post-war Nazi Flight to South America), has pieced together the mysteriously unaccounted for years in Mengele's life.
He spent time with the towns people and after his research-Is convinced that the Nazi doctor continued his genetic experiments with twins---->And quite clearly, He achieved whatever it was he was trying to do.
There is testimony that he attended women, followed their pregnancies, treated them with new types of drugs and preparations, Says he talked about artificial insemination in human beings and said that Mengele claimed he could make a cow produce male twins. (In those days-1960's-or thereabouts- artificial insemination was unheard of)
A town doctor, Anencia Flores Da Silva, made it his mission to find out the truth to the town mystery.
"In the testimonies we collected we came across women who were treated by him, he appeared to be some sort of rural medic who went from house to house. He attended women who had varicose veins and gave them a potion which he carried in a bottle, or tablets which he brought with him. Sometimes he carried out dental work, and everyone remembers he used to take blood."

I Am going to leave this one here. It has turned out to be quite the adventure, and I could have written a book with the amount of information I DIDN'T include!

Thank you so much for bringing this subject to the light. I get very frustrated and angry when I hear people parroting the lie that the world is overpopulated. It's funny, they think we need depopulation, but NEVER themselves. Oooh they're good enough to keep on living here on planet Earth, but those other guys, they need to be depopulated. Such sickening hypocrisy.
There is more than enough of this planet to hold everyone here, and many many more, we are funnelled into cities, attached to grids! If we all had fair access to land, and off grid technologies, we could spread out like crazy! Decentralize everything.
Decentralized 101.That @lyndsaybowes is the Ultimate Goal of people like you and I and many others we call friends here. Maybe we should raise enough SBD and start our own actual community
When I hear people parroting the overpopulated crap at me, all you have to do is ask them if they have actually READ a scientific study in the last month or even year and they usually sit there dumbfounded and then defend their ignorance till they can't talk anymore. Endless cycle and complete idiocy. There is a reason the mind control programs existed...And today is the prime example of why they wanted to perfect it... <3
Ooh yeah that would be a dream come true, FREEDOMLAND!! I can envision it so well, and I believe we are truly on our way, blockchain tech has opened up so many doors and will continue to do so, it's our transition to a new way of living for sure!
Yeah, Mr. Smith programming...impossible to reason with!!
Yes. Agreed. In fact, there is a lake straddling Alberta and Saskatchewan Canada, that will fit the entire population of the world on its' ice, assuming everyone gets a square metre of space. There's even plenty of room left over. It is called Lake Athabasca, and when you look it up on a globe it's not very large. Looking at it in this way, it puts the world's population into perspective.
What a great post.
The lies we are told and continue to be told regarding the World's population are part of a bigger agenda of the eugenesists.
It seems to me that al the stops have been pulled and a full scale 'stealth cull' is in operation. Tainted food, vaccination programmes, weather manipulation and a plethora of other programmes are under way attempting to get the numbers down.
They will fail!
Great work, welcome back babe.
@ancientmystique got you a $1.49 @minnowbooster upgoat, nice! (Image: pixabay.com)
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This post has received a 2.99 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ancientmystique.
nice post
Thanks. It was definitely an interesting one too write <3
Hey @ancientmystique great to have you storming back with another brilliant post. It's strange but whilst I read this I'm away and staying just a few miles from Andrew Carnegie's old house, Skibo Castle! Before Hitler tainted the concept, forced sterilisation courts were becoming commonplace in the states. When we look around at the impending forced vaccination programmes it's easy to see that the same interests are working towards the same agendas. Indeed the very notion that we should have freedom of choice is met with utter contempt, we need to take back control whilst we still have a voice and the strength to do so.
The world has never been overpopulated it's just been run on greed and hatred by those that manipulate perception to empower their agenda. Recent studies have shown that the earth actually produces a seven times surplus of food and yet children still die of hunger. They have led us into a blind alley, but in a slight of hand have also attached the guilt of their evil and insanity onto humanity and in turn made many of us hate ourselves. There exists the space, the technology and the food for every man woman and child to live in a literal paradise. A paradise that will enable all of us to live in balance with the earth and claim our rightful place in the history of the cosmos. They are leeches and it's time to pick them off before they drain us all dry! So good to have you back, thanks for sharing this comprehensive, expertly researched and generally fantastic post.
Wow, My friend, Firstly thank you and I am so happy to be home. Secondly, This is a fundamental issue. And I can't help but wonder, the harder they push......The More rebellion happens.....I hope we all get Brave Soon <3
Because you are absolutely correct---->These leeches need to be picked off before we are bled dry and the ones to pay the ultimate price? Our Children. Nothing is more important than preserving they're futures in happiness and health.
Thank you so much for stopping by <3
Great articles, difficulty is I could be here all day..)) Love your short summaries as you explain the facts and then sum up your conclusions in a short paragraph..