Are you getting your news from only one side of the political spectrum?
Are you a wing of the two party bird?
Well, stop that crap.
Think for yourself, seriously.
Get your news from a varitety of sources.
This used to be common knowledge, but has been trained out of us in the skools, intentionally.
Sit still, shut up, do as you are told, or consequences.
In some venues that is a good thing, but as general behavior?
No, not for me.
Today's story comes to us from Deep Green Resistance.
The Problem: Civilization, Colonialism & Conquest
Trump Administration Launches New Assault On Alaska’s Tongass Old-Growth Forest
September 13, 2020 Deep Green Resistance News Service Leave a comment
Another Massive Clearcutting Proposal Threatens Southeast Alaska’s Economy, Wildlife, Carbon Stores
JUNEAU, ALASKA (Tlingit: A’aakw Kwáan lands)
The Trump administration announced plans today for yet another massive timber sale that would destroy more than 5,100 acres of critical old-growth habitat in the Tongass National Forest in Southeast Alaska.
“Shame on the Trump administration’s Forest Service for having the gall to continue to burden and overwhelm Southeast Alaskans with yet another needless and money-losing timber sale when we are in the midst of a pandemic and a controversial Alaska Roadless Rulemaking process,” said Dan Cannon, Tongass Forest Program Manager for Southeast Alaska Conservation Council.
“As Alaskans await Secretary Perdue’s decision on the Roadless Rule, they will yet again have to advocate for the protection of critical old-growth habitat in their backyards. We don’t know how many times we need to say it: Timber only contributes 1% to Southeast Alaska’s economy, while the fishing and tourism industries contribute 26%. Stop making Southeast Alaskans’ lives more difficult by threatening our true economic drivers.”
The U.S. Forest Service’s Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the South Revilla Integrated Resource Project timber sale proposes chainsawing 5,115 acres of old-growth forest near Ketchikan.
It also would allow bulldozing or rebuilding more than 80 miles of damaging logging roads costing U.S. taxpayers more than $11 million. The public will have until Oct. 19 to provide comments.
“This assault on America’s largest rainforest will destroy important habitat for salmon, bears and wolves, and worsen the climate crisis,” said Randi Spivak, Public Lands Director at the Center for Biological Diversity.
“Clearcutting the Tongass and wiping out enormous carbon stores is like cutting off part of the planet’s oxygen supply.
It’s mind-boggling that the Trump administration wants to decimate this spectacular old-growth forest and erase one of the solutions to averting catastrophic climate change.”
This project and the proposed elimination of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule on the Tongass are part of the Trump administration’s relentless efforts to clearcut large swaths of remaining old-growth across the national forest, consistent with its policy of increasing logging nationwide.
“As forests across the America’s burn, the last thing we need to do is destroy old-growth forests in the Tongass Rainforest — one of the United States’ best defenses against furthering the climate crisis,” said Osprey Oreille Lake, Executive Director for the Women’s Earth and Climate Action Network (WECAN).
“Existing within the territories of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsmishian peoples, the Tongass is a vital ecosystem necessary to the traditional life-ways of local Indigenous communities.
Destroying critical old-growth in the Tongass, not only devastates wildlife habitat and harms the climate, but disregards the sovereignty of Indigenous peoples and further perpetuates modern genocidal policies.
We must stand together for our forests, communities and the climate.”
Crapitalism is burning the world to the ground.
Cutting out the very lungs of the earth in the name of more banks, malls, and mcmansions.
Each of us has been engineered to only be waiting for our turn to be the boss.
We think that when it is our turn we will all be 'rich' at some point in the future, when nothing could be further from the truth in a consumerist world.
We are taught to live searching to have the next greatest validation.
Once we get it?
There are ways to escape this consumerist mindwarp.
Here is one.
Here is another.
We don't get taught about these escape maps.
Just the ones that keep us slaving away on the plantations, or in the mines.
Only inside a narrow field of study in a select few universities will you ever be likely to be exposed to what Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, their mentor, or the man that inspired them all.
We are being controlled by our ignorance, dear reader, expand your knowledge base.
So where is the opposite view?
Which you told us to look for.
I think it is a little much to ask the crapitalust press to report the crapitalust crimes, eh?
This is Western life in a nutshell.
This is also why that system collapses so easily.
When fools no longer consume, then the profits stop.
Here in my (not so great) city of Melbourne we are in a heavy re-engineering phase that will essentially create cattle stations all over this once celebrated city. Markings clearly needed to point the way to the herd. Gov is outlining a permanent, complete remodelling of spaces where the people are to interact with businesses (profits). They'll implement Outdoor dining (alfresco grazing), ENTRY/EXIT markings, remodelling of streets, timed stay, you buy, you consume, you fuck off! Most definitely "just looking" will no longer be allowed as an option to be near a business area. It's essentially the "smart cities, by not so smart government" model. After essentially months of lockdown, the herd will no doubt obey, thinking they're free again.
We get only as much tyranny as we tolerate.
I refuse to wear a mask.
If I am arrested, I will use the Marcratic method to free myself.
You can too, if you study before hand.
If you read the tort claims act for Melbourne, and learn how to file one, you might get paid for your trouble.
In order to escape the past way of doing things, we only have to start doing them the new way and the old way will become obsolete.
I have won every time. But I dont know his method. I attack the jurisdiction of the court. But I have signed all my forced documents under duress UCC1:207 when I first learned about it now UCC 1-305. I have a leg to stand on. They have no Laches on me.
Demanding the prosecution provide evidence to support its claim of jurisdiction is the marcratic method.
It exposes the gun in the room, and the double standard of the rigged game.
If me and my friends can't write our rules down and expect others to follow them, neither can the blue line gang write down their rules and force me to follow them.
comes from blog GOLD GOATS and GUNS thought you would like this.
Rule by force is the disease, who and how are symptoms.
Bradleys went on patrol in syria today.
He may be entertaining as a dumpster fire, but ultimately, he is controlled by the same rich people interests as all the other rich people.
Until the hangings occur, it's just bs to keep folk's eyes of the birdies, iyam.
We can hope that the locals act with more dispatch than the feds.
I hope so but am concerned how many are from this crowd
They are some sick creatures.Laches (/ˈlætʃɪz/ "latches", /ˈleɪtʃɪz/}; Law French: remissness, dilatoriness, from Old French laschesse) refers to a lack of diligence and activity in making a legal claim, or moving forward with legal enforcement of a right, particularly in regard to equity; hence, it is an unreasonable delay that can be viewed as prejudicing the opposing [defending] party. When asserted in litigation, it is an equity defense, that is, a defense to a claim for an equitable remedy. The person invoking laches is asserting that an opposing party has "slept on its rights", and that, as a result of this delay, circumstances have changed, witnesses or evidence may have been lost or no longer available, etc., such that it is no longer a just resolution to grant the plaintiff's claim. Laches is associated with the maxim of equity, "Equity aids the vigilant, not the sleeping ones" who sleep on their rights. Put another way, failure to assert one's rights in a timely manner can result in a claim being barred by laches.
Silence is consent even when ignorance causes it, if you accept the status quo.
Jurisdiction can be raised at any point, even on appeal.
If me and my friends can't write our rules down and expect others to follow them, neither can the blue line gang write down their rules and force me to follow them.