It's an escape The Bat, The methamphetamine Network International.

in #news7 years ago


BANDA ACEH - Ikbal, aka The Bat, the drug shabu type was arrested a joint team from the National Narcotics (Badan Narkotika Nasional), BNNP in Aceh and the Aceh and Banda Aceh.

The lights that had been included in by (DPO) dtiangkap in the area of the village of Lamtutui, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar and his colleagues named Said.

The BNNP in Aceh, Brig. Gen. Faisal Abdul Naser said the suspect and the deck at fugitives BNN who fled when disclosure of 40 kg of methamphetamine at the beginning of January 2018.

Read : Chronology The 40 Kg methamphetamine by BNN Center in Aceh "In his escape, the suspect Ikbal, aka The lights are still bring in methamphetamine as many as 20 kg of Malaysia," said Brig. Gen. Faisal, on Monday (12 / 2). The arrest of the network of methamphetamine International, said Brig. Gen. Faisal was revealed for the cooperation The Siasatan Jenayah Narcotic (JSJN) Royal Malaysian Police to BNN that there will be smuggling of narcotic type of methamphetamine through the area of North Aceh.

After an investigation, said Faisal the BNNP and BNNK Langsa to arrest somebody named Edi in his home in Gampong of Kuala Keureuto, North Aceh. From pengeledahan, officers found 20 pounds of methamphetamine are wrapped in a bag of China. "Suspect Edi tasked to pick up methamphetamine in the ocean, that when we get in the house there is 20 kg of methamphetamine," he said.

" From our investigation while, Ms. lights have four times the supplying methamphetamine to Aceh with a combined 1 07 pounds. "First, there were 30 pounds of methamphetamine a diseludupkan to Aceh, memudian the second 17 Kg and 40 kg of methamphetamine and the last 20 Kg," he said.

What that bastard, said Brig. Gen. Faisal from Malaysia diseludupkan to use the sea. "The lights are often order of methamphetamine, a 40 Kg has been caught even he ordered another 20 pounds," he said.