Homeschooling in Texas was great and it's one of the best states to be a homeschooling parent. They are my children and no one needs to tell me exactly what subjects they should be learning, at what speed and how often. If I decide that I want to homeschool, I should be able to do that as I feel like I can and have the ability to. Regulations are not the answer. The problem they are having here is that parents in California are pulling kids because of vaccination laws. Then they decide to homeschool. If a child is homeschooled, that school district is not receiving money for them sitting in the chair all day long. So the schools lose out on money. Someone has to be blamed for this. Schools lose out on money and so does big pharma when the vaccines aren't doled out. We must crucify someone for these two mega corporations losing out on money. Enter Turpin family. Ah, perfect. The "facts" of their case against them don't line up, but they sure do go well with the timeline that was needed...
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