Raudhaturrahman Padang Tiji Mosque, is one of the most unique mosque building in Aceh.
The mosque is located on the edge of the road between Banda Aceh - Medan is located in Padang Tiji, Pidie, Aceh. This mosque has only one large dome that covers the entire contents of the mosque.
In terms of architecture, this mosque impressed without a pillar that supports the dome is very large like other mosques. However, if observed, this mosque circle building became the main mosque buffer.
The mosque itself is often used by the road users as a resting place when until the time of prayer or just tired due to driving.
In addition to its strategic place on the roadside, this mosque also has a spacious yard for parking lots of vehicles.
For the road users of Banda Aceh - Medan, the loss would be if not stop for prayer in this unique mosque. the cool atmosphere makes us more comfortable to rest and worship for a moment on the way.
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