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RE: Disney Ditching Netflix Keeps Piracy Relevant

in #news7 years ago

Yeah - Disney has been notorious for making very poor choices- Wherever they can get a buck - but it usually ends up biting them in the ass. They lost me the minute they gave up 2D animation. I like 3D and it is what I went to school for but that is only because Disney/industry deemed 2D animation obsolete. Which is funny because to make a nice cash cow they milk those old 2d classics "Opening up the Disney Volt" every 5 years to let us know they haven't made an original hit in ages and still need to milk those stories. All they do now is live action or 3d bs. There channel is a fracking mess... and they pump out the worst type of celebrities... like Jake Paul/Miley Cyrus and general cancer.

I am not bitter...

If Disney left Netflix I really would not give one toot - might even improve things.