This is such a contorted mess, I don't know shit about this massacre and I don't need to, it's not my business so to speak but the news do love themselves a massacre, real of fake, or likely capitulated on and likely precipitated. In reality everyone should be allowed to carry guns wherever they like, I honestly believe that a well armed society is a polite society. At this point it's a dream but the numbers don't lie 2 out of 3 Americans chose not to vote, how many chose not to register or give up their rights?
Come and take them.
True @baah even if they ban guns do you think kill rate will be neutralize? Those who want to kill they can kill.
I tend to agree with you @baah, and it's a little alarming and suspect the way the mainstream media frames this issue on our behalf: "If you care about children, you're against assault weapons and for strict gun reform. If you have any other view, then you're an asshole that wants children to die." It's perfectly divisive and doesn't leave ANY room for actual discussion. I'd like to start having a real conversation about what our options are.