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RE: Jingoistic Military Fetishization Is As American As Bald Eagle McNuggets

in #news6 years ago

I call it effective imagery and frankness used quite well to contrast inane nonsense with truth and righteousness. But then again I'm not in the least hurt by the numerous truths she talks about.


If you really like truth you would want it to have the best form. Writing a certain way about McCain and erections doesn’t add to truth it just demeans humans. Considering that during the time McCain continued living he was causing more deaths, I was happy to see him go as early as possible. The evil thing was that, given what all humans are given, both the abilities to be good and to be evil, McCain used his life, especially at the end for assisting in mass murder. For that he deserves all our curses, but not to have his body be seen as just garbage to be burned on TV to raise funds for Syria.

I suspect anyone who says truth doesn’t bother him at all, of relishing the fact that someone or something was evil as a means of personal superiority. While I am very left, it is also apparent persons on the left get a joy in trashing America without regret for what it could have been instead. I respect Caitlin Johnstone very much because you can see, while she hates what is evil, she wants something better. To repeat, McCain was awful and wasted his life. But treating a cadaver as just garbage to be burned on TV mocks the possibility of all human dignity.