This is for all you children and young adults

in #news8 years ago

This is for all you children and young adults thinking you do not need to study or are thinking of quitting school to go to work.
Please read this:

                                  Diplomas and Poverty 
                                  by Lou Binninger 

   As debate rages about the ‘homeless’ most miss the fact that thousands of teens have this month completed one of three objectives to protect them from that fate. They graduated from high school. Few teens grasp the significance of their accomplishment though they are not immunized against disaster. 

Now, their challenge is to not blow it. Unfortunately the community doesn’t address the next critical goals enough.
Since 8-year-olds don’t plan on someday being poor, in prison, or addicted, just how do they get there? Most young adults have the wrong values and no idea what they are doing. Someone said if you don’t know where you’re going you’ll get there every time.

A Brookings Institution study showed that 98% of Americans could avoid poverty by doing three things: graduate from high school, get married and delay child-bearing until after marriage. This isn’t so much a formula like lining up three cherries on the slots, but it reveals a perspective or set of values that when lived out leads to a better life.
Proverbs 13:11 says wealth is obtained little by little. That phrase read in context is laden with values often absent today from American society and even ridiculed. The values would include but are not limited to honesty, loyalty, deferred gratification, and selflessness.

According to the National Endowment for Financial Education, 70 percent of people who get sudden wealth (lotteries, big inheritances or favorable settlements to lawsuits), declare bankruptcy within a few years meaning they’re worse off than before they became rich. Why is that?

If they were poor to begin with, that way of thinking will probably take them back where they started. In fact, not only were many people’s instant wealth short lived, but in some cases they weren’t long for this earth either.
According to endowment spokesperson Paul Golden, “If you’ve never had the comfort of financial security before, if you were really eking out a living from paycheck to paycheck, if you’ve never managed money before, it can be really confusing.” In other words, there are no bonuses for ignorance or deviant behavior when seeking financial stability.
The opposite can be true as well though harder to study. Take away a wealthy person’s substance and before long through right thinking and right choices they will regain their financial footing.
Cabinet member and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson in a recent interview indicated that hitting the big one was no substitute for years of hard work and good habits which along with favorable circumstances can lead to gradual advancement. Of course, though Carson came from poverty and childhood misbehavior, his comments are misconstrued and resented by liberals propping-up the lie that the poor are victims of capitalism and racism. Most Republican politicians are also swayed by this nonsense in voting millions of dollars to fund the poverty industry. Carson’s comments were addressing what instigates upward mobility. He knows something about it since his brother Curtis Carson is an aeronautical engineer while their divorced mother Sonya Carson worked multiple jobs in Detroit to pay the bills. Sonya suffered from depression and suicide attempts and Ben overcame a period of angry outbursts in his youth.
The Carsons are the Black family that Black race hustler’s and liberals love to hate and mock. The Carsons overcame the adversity that 99% of people will also face at some point in life.
What Carson didn’t address was the devastation caused by substance abuse and the government giving away a trillion dollars a year while holding no one accountable to change. In spite of, or more accurately because of the government funding hundreds of anti-poverty programs we have the same level of poverty as in 1965 when the war against it was declared by President Lyndon Johnson.

According to Economics Professor Walter Williams we are maintaining poverty by funding it. We fund it with no accountability of recipients because we believe they’re victims. So, they don’t have to look for work, donate their time or stays sober just continue breathing.

‘Homeless’ has become a convenient term that portrays people as victims and disguises what their actual ailment is. Liberals love a good victim story even if it’s a lie. The truth is the taxpayers are subsidizing addicts, vagrants, tramps, thieves and the mentally ill. Workers have no idea what to do with them since the government’s mission is handouts with no expectations no change required.
Classifying the group as victims puts the police on pause since we can’t arrest victims. Politically correct thinking has rendered poverty fighters impotent.
Funding wrong behavior while neglecting to advocate the right choices necessary to produce stability will always result in disaster.
This story comes from the TERRITORIAL DISPATCH
Serving Yuba-Sutter-Colusa-Nevada Counties

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I find it extremely hard to weed out the people in need and those just looking for a free hand out. I try to go by my gut feeling but I'm sure I have been bamboozled many a times.

I really feel for the people whom are homeless because it is not easy to live that kind of life style. Most of these young people have little or no education and most employers will not hire with out that high school diploma.