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RE: Soros increases losing bet on falling US stocks markets

in #news8 years ago

as i always say "follow the money , its more damning than a blood trail" ever wonder where and why almost daily there is yet another unsubstainated, unprovable , unnamed source story getting plastered all over the news and social media? i would bet money(and have) that some people with a very large wallet are getting chrushed because they bet against trump and now they are going to pump and dump, there is 0 reason behind the valuations in the market today and i think the meteoric rise of cryptocurrency are partially because there are also a lot of people beginning to understand that the "pump " is almost over and the dump is coming, ever read how soros made his millions , he magically shorted a whole bunch of stocks at just the perfect time.Most americans arent smart enought or educated enough on the financial markets to see this coming , and a bunch of other ones know its coming they are just hoping that they got there timing right so they can roll out before it craters, either way there is a yuuuuge correction coming and as long as they can keep tax reform,.repatriation, and trump at bay they are buying time to maximize their profits and crater everyone else.