How many headlines have we seen lately...
Talking about space rocks, you know asteroids or meteors the size of something fierce? Well, today is no exception for those of you paying attention. In the International Congregation of Lord RayEl on VK today, Angelus Domini, the Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl, posted the following article stating:
Soooo yeah... The European Space Agency (ESA) just released this video about an asteroid striking Earth...
... As Officer Barbrady would say, 'Move along... Nothing to see here!' 😑
With the title "Asteroid warning: ESA's chilling imminent Earth-strike prediction – 'Millions to evacuate'", the Express makes it seem a bit clickbait-ish, but they show the ESA's hypothetical video. Now, you may not consider this the best source of information and you can think what you want about it, but it should still be considered a warning or at least get you thinking.
CHILLING footage has emerged of the European Space Agency (ESA) dealing with the hypothetical imminent threat of an asteroid hurtling towards Earth.
Asteroids capable of destroying cities on Earth have the potential to slip through NASA satellites, giving humans just days to prepare. As a result, scientists at the ESA concerned about the threat to Europe are launching a new £915,000 telescope in the next week. Flyeye will be able to scan space and identify any possible objects heading to Earth, giving enough time to plan accordingly.
Here is the future telescope according to the ESA's website.
You can watch the hypothetical video from the article here. Now, you really have to ask yourself, even though that was a "hypothetical" example of an asteroid coming and hitting Earth in years to come, why would they waste such resources and create such fear-mongering propaganda while investing in an expensive telescope to detect such asteroids? You could say there is probably a method to their madness, as a governmental agency is not going to just put things out there in vain and waste numerous resources for no reason. You're being subliminally prepared for what is to come, and you should be prepared already if you are not! Angelus Domini also posted this article with the quote:
Article Quote: (CNN)Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX and Tesla, tweeted that a 'big rock' is going to hit Earth, and that we 'currently have no defense.'
"Just like the Netflix show 'Salvation' of which the main character is based on." Within the same post, Angelus Domini stated "Exxxxxactly". So, are you starting to put the pieces of the puzzle together? This isn't all just disinformation, it is a warning! You should certainly take these as warning signs because ever since 2011, Christ returned and has been on Earth judging the nations! This time period is crucial and it is time to prepare for what the Bible and many other prophetic texts have warned is coming. Of course, it is all in God the Father's timing, but are you prepared? You should be! It's time to prepare physically, mentally, and spiritually if you have not, because as Lord RayEl says, "what must be done, must be done."As the Prime Cleric of the Ecumenical Order of Christ, @Prime-Cleric, pointed out,
Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.
Be well!
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For more information and truths about End Times check out Sanctuary-Interfaith, ABN, and The Coming of the Messiah
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