Is a Vatican 'Civil War' Dividing Catholics?

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Many scandals have been revealed within the Roman Catholic Church...

...Claims of abuse and pedophilia among the top reported. This sick ring of 'holier than thou' is now being exposed for an unholy sacrilege! USA Today reported:

The latest – and most serious – wave of pedophilia and cover-up allegations to hit the Vatican is shining a new light on the gap dividing the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics. And almost none of it is about the charges of widespread clerical abuse scandals.

Dozens of commentators and Vatican watchers have pointed to the wide gap between the views of conservative, traditional Catholics in the mold of Pope Benedict XVI, Francis’ predecessor, and those of reform-minded Catholics like Pope Francis. Many media have referred to what is happening as a kind of 'civil war.'


Shame on these men who claim to be of the divine! I follow the CATHOLIC Ecumenical Order of Christ, which has absolutely NO ties to the Roman Catholic ways. The term catholic actually is defined as the following:

Including a wide variety of things; all-embracing.

Therefore, to be Catholic only denotes that you are ecumenical or universal. From the Catholic Ecumenical Order of Christ, the Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl has stated the following with this article titled, "Pope summons bishops from all over world for sex abuse summit"...

The party invitation said 'BYAB' instead of the usual 'BYOB', so I'm assuming that instead of Bring Your Own Bottle, this means Bring Your Altar Boy! 😳LOLOL

All joking aside, the Roman Catholic Church is crumbling and being exposed as the veil lifts! These sick people who don't even ask for consent but just force their ways by abusing their made-up "authority" have gone too far! This may seem harsh, but we're talking about innocent children here that have been abused!!! Is that not serious enough?! It is only a matter of time before these false prophets fall to the wayside and Lord RayEl, the returned Christ, and Messiah takes the rightful throne and finally bring justice, harmony, and love into this abominable, divided, and cold world. It's time to see the fruits of these religions, and obviously, we are seeing some dark and dead fruit from the Roman Catholic Church that has claimed authority over all...Ironic? Perhaps a little, but it's time to learn the truth. Look through the links at the bottom of this article for more information about Lord RayEl and the truth and correction he has brought over the past 7 years and counting! Lord RayEl does not condone these hypocrites, and neither should you!

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.

Be well!

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The false-teachers and false-prophets of today are an abomination. I'll be glad when all those who spread lies knowingly or unknowingly get what they deserve. Especially those who would violate the innocent and brainwash them.

RayEl, the returned Christ, and Messiah takes the rightful throne !
