UFO Identified as Elysium

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Is it a UFO?


This unidentified object is another sighting of Elysium in the skies. For those of you who don't know what Elysium is, yes, it is similar to what Hollywood has portrayed it as, but here is a clarification from the Armageddon Broadcast Network:


As we've said many times, Hollywood gives you glimpses of the hidden truth, to prepare you for what is coming, and the 2013 movie 'Elysium' is one of the best examples.

The ancient people were very aware of where The Lord and the lesser gods dwelt, and those who were allowed to see it, wrote many stories of the paradise of Elysium, also known as 'The White Island in the Black Sea', because all of its inhabitants were white, and it floated in the black sea of space.

The movie 'Elysium' showed this utopian paradise above, a place where bodies are 'perfected', and life is beautiful. It also showed the dystopian Earth below, after it had become 'the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth' (Matthew 25:30). You of course noticed in the movie that almost all of Elysium’s inhabitants were 'white' (The White Island), with some Asian people, and a few exceptional people from other races, while Earth was almost entirely Hispanic, with a few black people, and white criminals… This is the result of New Kingdom Epistle 1: 'Determination of Nations'.

Elysium is the 'Kingdom of Heaven', but there shall be an earthly kingdom as well, as New Jerusalem will land and become the capital city of Earth… And though The Lord's Throne is in Elysium, he will live among his subjects on Earth, in New Jerusalem. (Psalm 132:13 For the LORD has chosen Jerusalem; he has desired it for his home.).

Now you know the truth. http://www.theoi.com/Kosmos/Elysion.html

This latest capture was posted in the International Congregation of Lord RayEl on July 7th by the Imperial Regent of Lord RayEl. He stated, "apparently another Elysium capture..." which you can witness below.

This hasn't been the first sighting. I have written about these sightings before which you can look up. Here are just one of the articles. To catch the latest news and sightings, be sure to check out the International Congregation of Lord RayEl on VK. The great and terrible day of the Lord is at hand as we are now seeing the throne appear and other prophetic events have been unfolding. Are you prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually?

Note: All images not cited are my own or created by me.

Be well!

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It's very interesting if this is another siting of Elysium!