Paris agreement is NOT just about temperature

in #news8 years ago (edited)

"..all this global warming hysteria is but a massive hoax designed to enhance and expand globalist control...", statements like this are being heard also here on steemit and I made some comments below said posts. I just wanted to reiterate my thinking while writing these comments.

The big misunderstanding


When people state that they think it's a good idea to leave the paris agreement, they often repeat the narrative that the human race is not the main cause of the climate change. The climate in the solar system is raising too they say. While that may be true, it doesn't free us of the responsibility to care for our nature and the other animals that are living here and reducing our impact on the worsening even if the impact is that small. It is basically like seeing someone laying on the ground rolling around with spasms and in deep pain, and then kicking him in the face with the thinking that this someone already is in pain so you are certainly not the main cause. You see how that lacks of empathy?
Having that said I don't think it's the biggest misunderstanding. I think the biggest misunderstanding is that reducing the impact of global warming is just about temperature. It's not. It is also about innovation. When Trump leaves the Paris Agreement (which he can't even do so easily, just watch that video of EU Commissar Juncker explaining it here) he shows his friends in the energy sector that they don't need to innovate to create energy. They can simply use the old dirty methods. So this takes the pressure to engineer new solutions and new solutions would definitely need pressure and money to come up with something better. The earth can handle more warm conditions but humans can't handle too much pollution in the areas that they live in. So it's not about the temperature but also about people and animals and plants dying because of the pollution that also causes the temperature to rise.


My forecast is that Trump isolated the USA with this decision. The USA is not a good partner. They will cut on their innovations in the green sector and others will take the lead. There are other choices and they will be made. I think that he hurt america badly with this.
Really bad thing is that one man has the power to do something like this.
What do you think about that? What are the americans of steem think of that?

Here and here are links to the comments that i mentioned.

Have a nice day guys and gurls.


sorry but u should know better

u should kknow that co2 is not some devil gas

and paris agreement doesnt give one sht aboutthe environmet

environment is a LOCAL issue u can ONLY deal with YOUR LOCAL environment! u cant be everywhere a once

and trump cares MORE about the environment than ANY president in our liffetime!'
He cares about people more than any president weve seen since reagan

Trump cares MORE about the enviroment than ANy climate change fool or liberal or democrat!

would you agree that Trump helps the coal and oil industry with this move?

and do you really think that Trump cares???? He has been a rich motherfucker for his whole life. He never had any contact with ordinary people problems. His only contacts have been other rich motherfuckers. That's a 1A filter bubble. He only knows their problems. And their problems are taxes. That's the process of influence from your peer group. Nothing special. Just the way humans work.