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RE: China Aims For Near-Total Surveillance, Including in People's Homes

in #news7 years ago

We seem to be on the same side, yet i don't have to 'believe'. I see the laws change, and those changes are not in our favour but in the favour of a system that can only be described as tyrannic due to those very law changes.
The politicians may preach all they want, but if they preach one thing to the public and change laws in the very opposite direction then that's again a sign of tyranny.
Practice what you preach is the answer. Yet they practice what they DON'T preach.
And all they do is hide what they try to do. If they were brave enough to be 100% transparent to the taxpayers then I may eventually be able to change my mind IF the FACTS then would show me wrong.
So they have to thank it to themselves to be seen as tyrants, since they BEHAVE as such.
Solution: Don't behave liker tyrants in the first place and they may actually get people behind them for a change.
We don't have a democratic system if they do the opposite of what the people want. We merely have the illusion of a democracy that is held high by media mouthpieces who repeat whatever is dictated.
Is that a form of Dictatorship? Not sure how that works.

European countries are more like Enclaves of the blob on 'the other side of the pond'.
The UK looks like it has become the latest real state (real estate) of the USA since brexit went trough.
Or maybe it is just used to cause more friction in europe. It's to early to see where that is going to end.

I don't like Trump one bit, but at least he is doing what Bush and Obama should have done a long time ago. Still Trump seems to be a man who I could still communicate with on an equal ground. And that's certainly not an option with the other two. But that's my personal opinion.

The USA should simply stop to meddle in the politics of other countries. We all know they do, we all know it has become a bloody mess. So it's good that wikileaks showed us right on everything we expected for years.

I can only hope that things will change for the better as it really shouldn't get worse then it already is.


Transparency, shorter and broader communication lines between the governed and the governing are the key

yes but that the very thing they don't like, they have no problem with showing numbers, but don't like to explain how they got to those numbers... And then lots of time gets wasted to get to the bottom of something simple. :-) But if that can be simplified then a lot of time and money can be saved for sure.