CERT warns of another cyberattack!!!

in #news8 years ago

Hazardous encryption software computers shed by the side of the malicious ads!
Name: CrypMIC!
The Communication suggests it works on a similar principle, as already known before another encryption program - CryptXXX. Infection computer after entering by the user to a page with malicious ads and the aim of the attack is out of date old version of Adobe Flash Player.

After infection Cryptic encrypts contained in the computer files of more than 900 different extensions and the autostart folder is added to the shortcut labeled 12-character user ID. After the system generates a cryptic message requesting a ransom of from 1.2 to 2.4 Bitcoin.

CERT says that the only way to defend against this type of malware is to have a current backup of the data on your computer. Ransom is not a solution to this situation. It turns out that the person who did it, get broken decryption program Microsoft Decryptor.


Try running a browser that has flash disabled if you haven't already. I found in a few weeks that the small amount of sites that still required flash weren't that important.